Turkeys attacked by dogs = treating them


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
We found dogs had ripped into our turkey pen yesterday and seriously injured 3 birds with another still missing that had flown out the top we think. We have searched a lot for this tom but no signs other than feathers here and there. Turned out to be a mother dog and 4 half grown pups. Two were still in the pen and had to be chased out. They had cornered three of the turkeys. I got antibiotic to put into their water and have been spraying on iodine ( non stinging type ) from a small spray bottle onto their injured areas. That seems to work out very well as they are already stressed from the ordeal and don't want to be touched. They had many feathers pulled out and some flesh injuries too - especially one hen.
I also got some electrolites and just sprinkled it on their food for now as I was afraid that I should not mix that into the water along with the terramycin antibiotic too. Does anyone know about this? These were to be our sons 4H birds this year and it has been very upsetting to see them injured and know that they will not be showable for over a year if they do manage to survive.
If they have tears in the skin, Iknow that now instead of stitching up cuts on kids now the ER is using super glue to hold the skin together until it grows together, can you use this,I use Bernadine every skin opening since DH got burned and it was all that really helped him. GOODLUCK. marrie
I've had some hens get ripped by the toms pretty bad, and healed nicely. Just keep the wounds clean, and they will heal up on their own, even with the muscle exposed. After awhile, the black scab will drop off, and you won't really be able to tell where they were injured. I used Betadine to initally clean the wound, then occasionally if it looked like it needed it. If the edges tend to look a little moist when healing, just smear it really good with antibiotic ointment.
So far the turkeys are making it. It got down to about 60 last night and the one tom and hen were shivering this morning when I checked on them.
I put a heat lamp in there for them to go near if they want to. The hen has a lot of pin feathers ready to come though, so I think she may feather back out good if she makes it. The one tom had gone through most of his moult already though I think. Will he grow new feathers if the new ones were what he lost or not? I am concerned that he may have a large area on one side bare if they were the new feathers there that he lost. We have sub zero cold in the winter here.
Thank you for your replies to this post so far. On the third day after the attack our missing tom turkey showed up again.
Missing tail feathers but otherwise looks good! The two turkeys that were able to fly out of the pen fared well while the three that were cornered inside the shed pen did not. The two worst injured turkeys still seem about the same. At this point I just don't know if they will pull through or not. I am reinforcing the lower parts of the outside pen and will take part of the outside top covering off to make flight excape even easier for them, if every needed in the future again. We shut them inside at night and I thought coyotes at night would be our main concern for them - not roaming dogs during the day.
It has been over a week now since the attack and so far all of the turkeys are making it. Turns out that the little hen who I was almost thinking that we should put out of her misery has bounced back quicker than the two toms. She is eating well and acting normal now except for a limp yet, although she won't look good until her feather grow back in. The tom that showed up a few days later turned out to have a bad wound under one wing that he kept pecking at and make much larger and worse. We got Blue Kote to spray on it and after a couple of days of catching him and respraying it finally he seems to be leaving it alone the past few days. My new hobby was catching him and not an easy feat. The best way seems to be catch him by the base of the neck and force him to the ground. He does not enjoy it but is a gentle bird that we don't want to lose. One big tom is still limping badly, but otherwise eating and getting around. I have still had them on antibotic and hope now that they may all eventually heal up yet.
We did lose our oldest tom yesterday. He seemed to be doing pretty good but then Sunday looked pretty weak and died Monday. He did not have the worst wounds of them, but lost a lot of feathers and maybe the stress of it all partly did him in. Our son that takes care of the turkeys was really heartbroken.
Thats so terrible. I’m so sorry to hear about that. I have a 6 month old bourbon Red Tom and a female with tons of chickens. I looked outback and seen a pitt bull and a beagle on him. I grabbed my gun and gave warning shots and was gonna kill that dog after he started running at me. I went to the feathers tracked my Tom through the leaves and found him in a thicket, so scared. My dad helped me pick him up and take him back to the pen. He seen his women and he seems okay for now. No blood. He did eat. We will see in the morning. I’m Ky. In the county, it’s gonna happen. Ppl need to keep their dogs close. I love Pitt bull dogs and others. I will shoot him if he comes back and not miss this time. Prayers for your 🦃 ! I’m a first time owner and I love my 2! My Tom jumps in my lap like a dog and struts for me. He’s sooo sweet! My son was crying and that’s what upsets a momma too. Your story is a good one. Prayers again!
My dog attacked my turkeys. My Tom is the worst off. He has alot of missing feathers and has alot of muscle showing. He is very weak. I got him to drink some water with electrolytes in it. Also sprayed it with wound care. How bad was your trukey

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