Turkey Pen Size


8 Years
Jan 22, 2012
How big of a pen would I need for 6-10 turkeys? Also what age would be okay for processing extra Toms? The varieties I'm looking into getting are Black and Black Mottled. Last question how many hens can I have for One tom and still get fertile eggs?

One Tom to 10 hens. Processing around 24 weeks for old varieties, and 18 weeks for newer, heavier varieties. I am quoting from Storeys guide to raising turkeys. He says 12 turkeys require a 75 ft by 75 foot pen, about an eighth of an acre. Which makes 6 birds almost 40'x40'.

My question is, if I provide this much space, do they still need to range? Seems like grasses are a large part of their diet, or can I keep them year round in the pen? If they are anything like chickens, the grass won't last long. We live in a rural area, but I only own less than a half acre and am not allowed to fence it all. Afraid To free range as they like to wander and walkabout. Plus don't really want turkeys on our cars!! Lol. Was hoping to get a few, but not sure it makes sense. Works out to over 100 square feet per bird, might have to stick with chickens, until I get more land. Guess hoping someone tells me I am wrong, that turkeys are content in closer quarters.
It's my boyfriend, lol. He doesn't love the birds like I do. Told him wanted more chickens and he said not enough backyard as it is. (He likes to mow). I almost choked when he mentioned raising turkeys for meat. I was like, we will get six, keep a breeding trio, and eat the other three! He had been talking to someone who had turkeys in with chickens, so he thought we would put them together. I have a 200 square ft pen for 10 hens, no way are we fitting even two turkeys with them. So I think I got permission to add another pen, about the same size, which could be large enough for a breeding pair, but not big enough for the ones I want to eat too. Or for the babies when they get big. Think have to stick with chickens for a bit, because turkeys too big for the backyard. I feel like they would be happier in a big field, not a dog kennel. Ahhh, maybe someday.
It's my boyfriend, lol. He doesn't love the birds like I do. Told him wanted more chickens and he said not enough backyard as it is. (He likes to mow). I almost choked when he mentioned raising turkeys for meat. I was like, we will get six, keep a breeding trio, and eat the other three! He had been talking to someone who had turkeys in with chickens, so he thought we would put them together. I have a 200 square ft pen for 10 hens, no way are we fitting even two turkeys with them. So I think I got permission to add another pen, about the same size, which could be large enough for a breeding pair, but not big enough for the ones I want to eat too. Or for the babies when they get big. Think have to stick with chickens for a bit, because turkeys too big for the backyard. I feel like they would be happier in a big field, not a dog kennel. Ahhh, maybe someday.

Well... Since he's the one interested in eating turkey, then he can take charge of a couple of feed store Broad Breasted poults. Once they get about 3 months old they pretty much focus on eating (use gamebird starter 30% protein to get them going and then switch to Maintenance). These guys aren't as active as heritage, and they put on wt. rapidly so, if BF isn't fond of them, he'll be able to slaughter and clean them for cooking in a matter of months. Pen doesn't have to be too big, but cleaning bedding and run are required for these guys as they like to lay about when not eating (prone to breast blisters). Don't let him name the turkeys...

If he enjoys the `project' with the BB's, then consider heritage Bourbons/Slates next year.
Quote: Haahaaa- Ivan y0ou beat me to it.

Try the broast breasted types and you don't have to deal with wintering over. ANd your SO can give all the lawn clippings to the birds IF free of pesticides etc. He may ejoy letting the birds out on his lawn to eat . . . and toss grain to. My DH really enjoys this interaction and wishes we purchased poultry sooner.

GO slow. BUy just a few 3-4 if possible, or even 6 is plenty.

Oxymoron, you own it but can't do what you want with it.

There are frequently covenants, HOAs, setback requirements, easements and many other reasons why one may not be able to do whatever one wants with private property.

I'm happy we don't live in such a place (anymore).
I guess I must be a Tea Party member. THe way I look at it its my land, I can do what I want with it.
Screw the busy bodies!
Haahaaa- Ivan y0ou beat me to it.

Try the broast breasted types and you don't have to deal with wintering over. ANd your SO can give all the lawn clippings to the birds IF free of pesticides etc. He may ejoy letting the birds out on his lawn to eat . . . and toss grain to. My DH really enjoys this interaction and wishes we purchased poultry sooner.

GO slow. BUy just a few 3-4 if possible, or even 6 is plenty.

I agree. I got BBW and enjoyed the entire process. Then I got 15 heritage birds from Porter. Sold a few, and ended up with 9. I was way over my head until I got down to three. However, one hen drove me crazy, so we ate her. Then the tom attacked me. He was wonderful brined.
I guess I must be a Tea Party member. THe way I look at it its my land, I can do what I want with it.
Screw the busy bodies!

I never said I agreed with it.
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