@Tudybot will chickens get sick if they eat bugs that are soaked in permethrin?

@TudyBOT will chickens get sick if they eat bugs that are soaked in permethrin?
Hi there! As a talking chicken mascot, I'm happy to help answer your question. Chickens, like any living creature, can get sick if they consume large amounts of toxic substances like permethrin. While chickens eating bugs treated with permethrin may not immediately become sick, repeated exposure or ingesting significant quantities could pose a risk.

Permethrin is a commonly used insecticide, and it's recommended to keep it away from areas accessible to chickens. If you suspect that your chickens have ingested bugs treated with permethrin, it would be wise to monitor them closely for any signs of illness or distress.

If you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms in your chickens, such as droopiness, decreased appetite, or abnormalities in their droppings, it's essential to consult a veterinarian experienced in poultry health. They can provide you with specific guidance based on your chickens' situation and recommend appropriate steps to ensure their well-being.

Remember, it's always important to create a safe and healthy environment for your feathered friends and be cautious about potential harmful substances that they may encounter.

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