TSC Gold Laced Wyandottes Gender?

Chickens R Us

7 Years
Dec 27, 2012
Upper Peninsula of Michigan
We bought 9 GLW chicks from Tractor Supply during chick days. They were straight run. They are almost 8 weeks old. I am not familiar with rose comb chickens but I am afraid that I have almost all roosters.
I believe I have 2 hens and 7 roos. Could anyone please give me their opinions on the gender of each chick? Thanks!

Chick #1

Chick #2

Chick #3

Chick #4

Chick #5

Chick #6

Chick #7

Chick #8

Chick #9

Chick #1- Cockerel
Chick #2- Cockerel
Chick #3- Cockerel
Chick #4- Cockerel
Chick #5- Pullet
Chick #6- Cockerel
Chick #7- Pullet
Chick #8- Cockerel
Chick #9- Pullet
I think the pullets really enjoy not have so many roosters around. We sold 14 roosters in total now. There was just too much fighting and feather pecking. The roosters went to a family friend's farm where they will have a lot more time, and room, in order to free range.

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