Trying to save a duckling


Apr 14, 2023
I have a wild duck that has been sitting on her eggs outside my home for about a month.
Today when I came home from work I noticed that the eggs had hatched but there was one lone duckling lying on its side about a foot away from the roost.
It was chirping, trying to get up and clearly in peril and the mother duck didn't seem to care whatsoever. I watched for a while to make sure if she was going to retrieve him or not but it seems as if this was one she was planning on leaving out. I couldn't let it die there so I promptly brought it inside and put it in a container and covered it with some towels and turned my radiator on in my bathroom. It's in a very warm environment now and is responsive. His eyes are still closed but otherwise he seems healthy, at least from what I can tell. I fed him a little bit of sugar water and he drank happily. I'm unsure what to do for the next steps. When I need to go about feeding him and what to feed him and how often to give him water. I've read as much literature as I can on the subject but given this exact situation it's a little diffifult as I don't have the supplies to care for a duckling.. I'm hoping that I can nurse him to health and then reintroduce him back to the mother and hope that she will care for him. 🙏
Start by cooking some egg yolks (only the yolks) and breaking it up into small enough pieces to eat. Find or go to a local feed store and look for chick starter feed--I am not sure if there is a specific for ducklings or you can use chick feed. Ask someone there, they might know.
Thank you for the responses. I'm planning on putting it back under momma for sure. I didn't put it back in its nest today because she picked a spot surrounded by thorny rose bushes and she was very very angry when I came close and I'd need to maneuver quite well to get in.. I thought of scaring her off and placing the duckling in the nest but I will plan the best strategy,
The duckling doesn't seem to be able to stand up well, I've read about niacin deficiency and I'm worried if he won't improve she will neglect him.
I just pray it'll work itself out. I hope momma knows what to do.
Thank you for the responses. I'm planning on putting it back under momma for sure. I didn't put it back in its nest today because she picked a spot surrounded by thorny rose bushes and she was very very angry when I came close and I'd need to maneuver quite well to get in.. I thought of scaring her off and placing the duckling in the nest but I will plan the best strategy,
The duckling doesn't seem to be able to stand up well, I've read about niacin deficiency and I'm worried if he won't improve she will neglect him.
I just pray it'll work itself out. I hope momma knows what to do.
Niacin issues don't usually happen right after hatch.
This is a baby that hasn't found its feet yet, it's normal for them to stumble and sleep a lot. You did well giving him some sugar water and warming him up, but you'll need to carefully put him back or give him to a wildlife rescue. She might not accept him now, and it sounds like there may be something wrong with him. Animals can sense these things and often leave the weak ones to die. Its how nature works, I know it's sad

What kind of duck is it? Do you have a pic of mama?
How is the duckling this morning? is this a Muscovy? I have heard of this working once mama takes her ducklings out of the nest distract her some how[might take 2 people for this]some type of treat might work, but once she is distracted another person puts the duckling down with the rest. Hopefully the duckling has recovered from hatch now.
Update. I've been acting as a kind of guardian angel for days now..
Initially the night that I took him inside my home he was very weak and not able to balance and his eyes were closed and he seemed a little premature. The next morning he looked amazing, he improved so much, eyes wide open and able to balance himself and was very vocal. Mama duck was outside my door with all of her healthy ducklings and all I had to do was place him on the ground and she welcomed him with open wings. He wasn't walking well at all sadly and it really freaked me out because he was not able to keep up with the pack and kept falling over. I've been stalking them for days now and watching over him. There is a small creek near my house that is very very low, and the ground above it is almost 5 ft up. She was taking her ducklings into the river at day, but at night she goes 5 ft up with them. I watched as all of the ducklings were able to make it up the wall, but this little guy couldn't. He kept tumbling back down and gave up and started swimming off into the pond aimlessly and squawking and clearly incredibly stressed out. So me and my boyfriend made it a mission to jump into the little ravine and lure him over to the land so that we could catch him and bring him to ground level with his mother. So he was safe for the night but I was hoping that his legs would mature more and hopefully in the future he would be able to make it without me having to step in. So last night I go to check on him and he was able to make it up the wall by himself because he was nestled safely under mama on ground level. I just checked again tonight and he is once again able to make it up the wall so clearly his legs are better, he's balancing and he looks fully healthy. This was a funny couple of days and maybe I'm a freak for caring so much about this little duckling but it was devastating watching him not be able to walk or keep up. It was terribly sad.. All of my neighbors kept saying he's not going to make it but I'm making sure he does. I'm sure mama duck hates me because Ive been up her ass and she doesn't realize why. Crazy to think she was going to let him go cause he was premature and now he looks perfect just after 2 days. I know that's the nature of things but i'm very pleased my BF and I were able to step in and get him there and we will keep watching over him from afar.


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I have a wild duck that has been sitting on her eggs outside my home for about a month.
Today when I came home from work I noticed that the eggs had hatched but there was one lone duckling lying on its side about a foot away from the roost.
It was chirping, trying to get up and clearly in peril and the mother duck didn't seem to care whatsoever. I watched for a while to make sure if she was going to retrieve him or not but it seems as if this was one she was planning on leaving out. I couldn't let it die there so I promptly brought it inside and put it in a container and covered it with some towels and turned my radiator on in my bathroom. It's in a very warm environment now and is responsive. His eyes are still closed but otherwise he seems healthy, at least from what I can tell. I fed him a little bit of sugar water and he drank happily. I'm unsure what to do for the next steps. When I need to go about feeding him and what to feed him and how often to give him water. I've read as much literature as I can on the subject but given this exact situation it's a little diffifult as I don't have the supplies to care for a duckling.. I'm hoping that I can nurse him to health and then reintroduce him back to the mother and hope that she will care for him. 🙏
What a beautiful story! God bless you!
Last year a mother Wood Duck made her nest in out front yard and we were able to watch her from a safe distance.
A week later mom was killed by a fox leaving her 5 eggs.
I was devastated when my husband told me he found her and we checked our cameras and could faintly see the terrified incident.
I’m a true animal lover and could not leave her eggs out there to die, illegal or not.
I tried to find a rescue but they were full and I couldn’t find anyone to take the eggs, so I took them inside and candled them and they were all still alive, so I put them in our incubator.
They all hatched, but one was literally half the size of its siblings and our vet determined she/he had a neurological disorder because she had trouble eating and drinking because she had poor eyesight as well and a deformed leg and an unabsorbed yolk sac. I made her a tiny bed and nursed her until her yolk sac was absorbed and she gained strength.
I kept her with me and gave her all the love I could. I hand fed her and put her in a little “Fanny Pack” because she would cry if she wasn’t with me.
Her siblings would not allow her to snuggle with them and it was the saddest thing!
Over the next week I noticed that she was blind in one eye as well, but I was assured that she was not suffering.
One evening 11 days later she suffered a massive seizure and passed away in my arms and believe it or not I cried for an entire week.
I know she was just a duckling, but I believe all of God’s tiny creatures deserve love and a chance. ❤️
The others did beautifully and we brought them outside to meet our Muscovy’s when they were ready and they all became friends!
In the fall they all went south and it was amazing to see because they all would have died if I left them because it’s “illegal”
They returned in the spring and spent the summer in our pond and actually come visiting our Muscovy’s but thankfully are Leary of people!
It was a wonderful experience except for my precious little baby that passed away, but in my mind during her short life she was able to experience love, and I will never forget her. đź’”
I guess I’m a criminal now, but I’d do it all over again and not change a single thing.

“In Memory of “Pip” Rest in Peace.”



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