Ashlee peta

In the Brooder
Oct 18, 2020
Hi guys.. long time reader first time poster 😬😉

I have 2 Muscovy ducks who are about 2 months old. I have a large dog crate which is close by the house that we kept them in, and since they have grown so quickly it’s just not enough anymore.

During the day they spend it roaming our decommissioned veggie patch (fairly large area) which they love and of a night we collect them and bring them back down to their crate to settle down. With Covid and not working this was fine but being back at work now I decided to get a bigger hutch to put in the veggie patch, which even when the hutch is locked they have more room to move and are secure from predators (veggie patch wouldn’t keep them safe)

The issue is; they HATE IT! The first time I tried to lock them up for the night, they waddled in, I shut the door and instantly they were not convinced. And kept trying to find a way out. I figured it might take a bit to get used to.. but they were so stressed (pacing, running their beaks along the wire fence and calling out, which they are very quiet ducks normally) i gave it an hour and they were still in the same position facing the footpath to our house and I don’t think they have ever been so happy to come back to their old crate.

It’s now been two weeks, I thought it could be a gradual process so we keep the hutch door open with food and water in to coax them in, as well as putting more treats in there. they are fine if I am there with them and the door is open, but if I shut the door they freak out again and will stand at the end of the hutch that looks down the footpath to the house and call out.
Is it just going to be a patience game or is it possible they aren’t happy that they are now so far from us..
I know they are always so happy to come back from their big adventures in the garden to their clean and cosy crate but if they grow much more they aren’t going to fit lol. Any helpful suggestions would be great.
And a photo of the cheeky little ones for reference as well as photo of the hutch being inspected by our quality inspector


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