Treating Gapeworms with Safe-guard in Poultry


Jul 15, 2019
Salado, TX
My Ameraucana has been displaying signs of gapeworms for over a week. This is my first time to treat something like this. Using Safe-guard but I read a post saying to get 4-5 horse hairs, make a loop, and then twist tightly. Insert this in the trechea of the chicken, twist, and you can remove the worms. This gives the bird immediate relief. Has anyone tried this?
What signs is your bird showing?
Have you recently brought any new birds home?
Have you ever had respiratory illness in your flock?
What signs is your bird showing?
Have you recently brought any new birds home?
Have you ever had respiratory illness in your flock?
First she was staying in the coop and then I noticed a mucus from her beak and gurgling sound. I thought respiratory infection. Treated with VetRx. She got worse. Quite eating and drinking. Now she stands extending her neck with her mouth open gaping for air. I checked for canker in mouth but no signs of that. I bought Safe-guard today and began treating her. Giving her water and protein drink with a syringe.
Also, have no new birds in flock. I can only have 6 birds total in the city limits. Have not had a respiratory illness before. My girls are the ambiance to my bed and breakfast so I keep them very clean and well fed. They free range so I'm sure they've eaten some slugs, snails, etc.
First she was staying in the coop and then I noticed a mucus from her beak and gurgling sound. I thought respiratory infection. Treated with VetRx. She got worse. Quite eating and drinking. Now she stands extending her neck with her mouth open gaping for air. I checked for canker in mouth but no signs of that. I bought Safe-guard today and began treating her. Giving her water and protein drink with a syringe.
I think you are dealing with a respiratory illness and not gapeworms.
Vetrx is basically like Vick's vaporub. It's pretty worthless.

I think what you're seeing is her having trouble breathing.
Is a vet an option?
The only way of diagnosing gapeworm is to get a fecal float performed by a vet on droppings to check for the worm larvae, or by cutting the trachea (windpipe) open after death. Then you can see the red Y-shaped worms where 2 worms form a Y. SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer is given 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound of weight for 5 consecutive days for treatment. Also need to remove the intermediate host for the worms.
Some respiratory diseases can look like gapeworm. ILT (infectious laryngo tracheitis) can cause pump handle respirations. Newcastles disease can also look that way, but fortunately it is not found in TX at this time. Other respiratory diseases, such as MG or crd, and coryza can cause congestion, rattles, and gasping. Do you see any bubbles or swelling in either eye? Is there nasal drainage or a bad odor?

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