Treat mixture-best deals in bulk?


10 Years
Apr 14, 2014
I have searched but can’t seem to find exactly what I’m looking for. Wanting to buy black soldier fly larvae on the regular to create a mix treat (scratch grains, boss, flax) for the girls. Trying to find the best deal with the most bulk. Looking on chewy and Amazon but would be willing to purchase from somewhere reputable if you have a link.
I am seeing some say sourced from USA but made China. What exactly does that mean? Thank you in advance.
My treats are super cheap as well as I just give them all the scraps we don't eat and any produce that is going bad. They love everything we give them and are healthy. We have a family of 6 though and have friends give us scraps as well so they get treats daily.
Mine get a variety of treats. It really depends on how many chooks you have I guess.
One is a free range layer feed. It's a mix of whole grains lightly coated with molasses with a small protien pellet. It's balanced via the pellet but a little low on protien at 15%. But it's quick and easy.
Another is a game bird crumble. It's 28% protien. Give a soak/ferment and they love that too. Even just thrown out as scratch they love it.
The third is a cans of sardines in water, tuna in water, walnuts, pecans or meat trimmings. These are special treats given every now and then.

Occasionally I will dig up and boil some cassava from the garden. They get very excited over that.

I think it works out much cheaper than buying larvae or mealworms doing it this way. You can do it more often also.

They are very spoilt.
I have

I have tried to give them broccoli, kale, cabbage, some strawberries starting to turn soft and blueberries. The only they thing likes were the blueberries. I had purchased a small bag of meal worms from the farm store to mix with scratch grains and boss and they come running for that. Just thought I’d mix a bigger tub that will last longer. Thanks 😊
We spoiled our first batch of chickens with meal worms. They were obsessed with them and wouldn't eat any other snacks. We ended up leaving their food empty a couple times throughout the day and since they free range they finally gave in and tried the scraps and loved them. Once they realize scraps are better than their normal food they will go crazy for any scraps you give them.
I have
my treat mix consists of deli bread at my local store marked down to 50 cents and leftover plate scrapings .. trust me, they luv it ...

My treats are super cheap as well as I just give them all the scraps we don't eat and any produce that is going bad. They love everything we give them and are healthy. We have a family of 6 though and have friends give us scraps as well so they get treats daily.
I have tried to give them broccoli, kale, cabbage, some strawberries starting to turn soft and blueberries. The only they thing likes were the blueberries. I had purchased a small bag of meal worms from the farm store to mix with scratch grains and boss and they come running for that. Just thought I’d mix a bigger tub that will last longer. Thanks 😊

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