Translucent jelly poo??


Jul 28, 2021
Middle Tennessee
I found this today in my meat bird coop. I have 13 Cornish Cross that are 6 weeks old; they are my first meat birds. They have food access 12 hours on, 12 hours off (higher protein feed from a local mill), and drink about 2 gallons of water a day. They are kept in a former dog run that has wooden coops inside.

What am I looking at here? It is the same size as a gummy worm candy.

Thanks for your help and advice!

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They have food access 12 hours on, 12 hours off
I can't help too much with the very, very strange excretion - but I will say this is a lot of access to food for a CC. Over the years we have found that any form of free choice isn't necessarily super bad for them, but very costly and unnecessary for you.

We feed twice a day, and I am not certain exactly how much, because we get the same amount of birds each year and use the same feeders. I want to say that it equates to one gallon size feeder/day per 18 birds. Granted, they act like they are starving 24/7 - but they aren't and you will finish with a lot less yellow fat and/or muscle deterioration in the breast + more $$ in your pocket.
It does but is that normal?
No, not at all. But there is no blood either. With the chickens being white id think there would be blood on the rear end if one of them as well.

I've butchered a lot of birds and usually the intestines arent translucent like that, but the shape and texture and size looks just like one.
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No, not at all. But there is no blood either. With the chickens being white id think there would be blood on the rear end if one of them as well.

I've butchered a lot of birds and usually the intestines are translucent like that, but the shape and texture and size looks just like one.
Ok. So is it an intestine? To me it looks like some species of grub.

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