Transgender duck??

You are purposely cutting out the rest of the text, that is the secondary information, which is saying that a condition in the adrenal glands or ovary can cause similar effects to the example described above it.

Sex Reversal in Poultry​

Rodrigo A. Espinosa
, DVM, MAM, DACPV, Aviagen, Inc
Last full review/revision Aug 2019 | Content last modified Sep 2019

If the normal left ovary of a hen is destroyed by infection, the vestigial right organ may develop as a testicle and the hen may develop male characteristics. Neoplasia in the adrenal glands or ovary that result in the production of testosterone could also cause the development of male secondary sexual characteristics (comb and wattles) in affected females.

Having a testicle is more than just outside characteristics, if you follow @casportpony link, you will find a lot of other sources cited there as well, from scientists and veterinarians. You can also use the terms I provided to search on your own, there is a lot of information and documentation. I have no idea why you are so unwilling to accept an idea, that you refuse to research it, but insist on working to discredit it.
That's just how i work things out in my brain by playing devil's advocate with all information.
Even in the part I cut out.. (unintentionally)
Says developed AS a testicle and the hen may develop male "characteristics"

I am actually more open to the possibility of it being true in rare cases than I have ever previously been.

And now I'm done with this conversation, if I want to read more I will do just as you suggested and search on my own.

I'm gonna go find the boys room and smoke my cigarettes and leave y'all to it. :frow;)
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I have a duck (Ainsley - a Welsh Harlequin) who was born a female, laying eggs and perfectly happy. She suddenly stopped laying eggs and went through a moult, where she developed drake colouring and a curly tail feather. She does not lay eggs anymore, but still has a loud quack. I was wondering if she could possibly be transitioning (if at all possible in ducks??). Any help or shared experiences would be much appreciated. Below are before and after photos.
Spontaneous sex change totally happens! There can be a few reasons. Is your duck pretty old? Sometimes when her ovaries stop working (old age, atrophy, infection), one turns into a ovary/testicle of sorts and the other dysfunctional one stops producing estrogen. The half testicle thing also produces testosterone which would lead to her molting into those feathers. It can also be from an infection of her ovaries which can be treated and at the next molt she will change back into a hen! Another cause could be a tumor that grows in her reproductive system that starts to produce testosterone. Sorry if this isn't very clear I just read about it in my book. A "fun" fact from the book: in the 13th century an hen, which appeared as a rooster due to this phenomenon, laid and egg and was burned at the stake for witchcraft! A chicken! Burned at the stake! CRAAZZYY
A damaged ovary can cause a hormonal imbalance which then leads to the duck developing secondary sex characters of a drake. I’ve seen quite a few posts of people’s ducks with this condition, they seem to retain the female bill colour but get the males plumage. So in a way they are trans by natural cause.
this is a pretty transphobic statement. Sex and gender are not all abut chromosomes, and when someone transitions from male to female they are a woman, and female. Its not all about your DNA so don't make it about it.

I advise you to reword your message or delete it entirely if you are willing to be respectful at all.

Transgender humans should not be compared to a bird with a damaged ovary. Its an entirely different subject and situation.

Everyone needs to stop making this more than what it is. This duck in not trans. That is something that people do willingly, not what nature does naturally. So the duck took on male characteristics. Ok, fine. That still does not make it trans. Y'all are gonna get this thread locked for being political
Spontaneous sex change totally happens! There can be a few reasons. Is your duck pretty old? Sometimes when her ovaries stop working (old age, atrophy, infection), one turns into a ovary/testicle of sorts and the other dysfunctional one stops producing estrogen. The half testicle thing also produces testosterone which would lead to her molting into those feathers. It can also be from an infection of her ovaries which can be treated and at the next molt she will change back into a hen! Another cause could be a tumor that grows in her reproductive system that starts to produce testosterone. Sorry if this isn't very clear I just read about it in my book. A "fun" fact from the book: in the 13th century an hen, which appeared as a rooster due to this phenomenon, laid and egg and was burned at the stake for witchcraft! A chicken! Burned at the stake! CRAAZZYY
Omg what is the name of the book, I need to get it!
Everyone needs to stop making this more than what it is. This duck in not trans. That is something that people do willingly, not what nature does naturally. So the duck took on male characteristics. Ok, fine. That still does not make it trans. Y'all are gonna get this thread locked for being political
Not relevant to ducks, but there’s a species of fish I watched a video about yesterday that does change from female to male it was pretty interesting. I’ll see if I can find the link.

Here’s the link:
this is a pretty transphobic statement. Sex and gender are not all abut chromosomes, and when someone transitions from male to female they are a woman, and female. Its not all about your DNA so don't make it about it.

I advise you to reword your message or delete it entirely if you are willing to be respectful at all.

Transgender humans should not be compared to a bird with a damaged ovary. Its an entirely different subject and situation.
Chromosomes don't lie and have no political opinion. They are just chromosomes!
If a duck has the chromosomes (ZW) she is a female duck, if the combination is (ZZ) he is a male duck aka. drake. Hormonal imbalance may cause the development of features of the opposite sex (similar to "bearded women") but the true gender remains unchanged.
An even the worst hormonal imbalance would not enable a genetically male duck to produce fertile sperm cells. The necessary "equipment" is just not there. The duck may look and behave like a male, but won't be able to father ducklings.

P.S. You have used very offensive wording and i have reported your post to the moderation.
Chromosomes don't lie and have no political opinion. They are just chromosomes!
If a duck has the chromosomes (ZW) she is a female duck, if the combination is (ZZ) he is a male duck aka. drake. Hormonal imbalance may cause the development of features of the opposite sex (similar to "bearded women") but the true gender remains unchanged.
An even the worst hormonal imbalance would not enable a genetically male duck to produce fertile sperm cells. The necessary "equipment" is just not there. The duck may look and behave like a male, but won't be able to father ducklings.

P.S. You have used very offensive wording and i have reported your post to the moderation.
If you follow the thread casportpony linked and read the article I linked, there seems to be evidence suggesting these birds do begin producing sperm and can father chicks.

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