Toxic plants


Apr 29, 2019
San Rafael
I have a lot of space constraints in my yard and just built a run in a fairly wild section of it - literally the only place I could - and consulted lists of toxic plants before doing so. There are beautiful mature Jasmine, wisteria and other climbing plants along the fence. I knew wisteria to be toxic and removed it from their immediate run area, but not jasmine or vinca (aka periwinkle), as neither showed on on the lists I looked at. Now I’m seeing them on other lists, and am wondering why there’s so much inconsistency on the topic. I really don’t want to take down the Jasmine and the vinca is hard to control and provides a lot of shade so also prefer not to remove that either. Anyone have experience with these plants and chickens or have opinions on whether they would actually eat them if they are well fed and have plenty of other forage around? I know the logical answer is to move the run but there is literally nowhere else for it. Also know the obvious conclusion is to eliminate the plants but don’t want to leave them with a bare patch of dirt. The inconsistencies among all the lists I’ve looked at are making me wonder. Thanks!
I don't have chickens, so I can't speak to them. But I have found my ducks, when they free range will nibble on plants that are considered toxic. Mine have an acre to free range in. But for those plants, they have never had negative side effects. Some toxic plants though, it depends on how toxic they are. While peach pits are toxic, if one swallows one pit, it won't die from it. But if it had several, that is going to be a bigger issue.

I have vinca all over my yard because it is very invasive and very hard to get rid of. My ducks have never had any negative side effects from it, so chickens would unlikely either. But I have never really seen them eat it, just noodle in it. So take that with a grain of salt.

I can't speak for the star jasmine. I did look it up and read something about a difference between false Jasmine and Jasmine. False Jasmine is very toxic and native to parts of the US. You will want to confirm which one you have.

@Miss Lydia you have any thoughts on toxic plants or know who to ask?
I have vinca growing all over here and my birds have eaten on it because it's been eaten.
I can't say if it was the chickens or ducks or goose. But they are all acting normal. I don't have Jasmine so can't speak for it. Before I got my birds though I did read about Fox Glove so I had to dig mine all up and give it away. I think instinctively they know what to eat and what not to so even if they nibble they probably wouldn't eat enough to kill themselves. I can't say this for sure but they have thrived for hundreds of years so they have something going for them
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I don't have chickens, so I can't speak to them. But I have found my ducks, when they free range will nibble on plants that are considered toxic. Mine have an acre to free range in. But for those plants, they have never had negative side effects. Some toxic plants though, it depends on how toxic they are. While peach pits are toxic, if one swallows one pit, it won't die from it. But if it had several, that is going to be a bigger issue.

I have vinca all over my yard because it is very invasive and very hard to get rid of. My ducks have never had any negative side effects from it, so chickens would unlikely either. But I have never really seen them eat it, just noodle in it. So take that with a grain of salt.

I can't speak for the star jasmine. I did look it up and read something about a difference between false Jasmine and Jasmine. False Jasmine is very toxic and native to parts of the US. You will want to confirm which one you have.

@Miss Lydia you have any thoughts on toxic plants or know who to ask?
I’m sorry for not doing so sooner but THANK YOU for your response - it was enormously helpful! I have pink Jasmine so no worries there - thanks a million for the info. Mostly worried about the vinca now as it does seem they’ll eat the occasional leaf. I’m hoping that with enough other food and forage they won’t die from the occasional nibble. But it’s been a month so feels like I’d see signs if there were a major issue by now. Thanks again for the advice!
I have vinca growing all over here and my birds have eaten on it because it's been eaten.
I can't say if it was the chickens or ducks or goose. But they are all acting normal. I don't have Jasmine so can't speak for it. Before I got my birds though I did read about Fox Glove so I had to dig mine all up and give it away. I think instinctively they know what to eat and what not to so even if they nibble they probably wouldn't eat enough to kill themselves. I can't say this for sure but they have thrived for hundreds of years so they have something going for them
I completely missed your response till now - thanks so much and agree there’s some vinca being eaten by my crew but appears very minimal and they’re all doing fine after a month so seems like it should be ok!
Both vinca and English ivy (groundcovers) are toxic but so bitter that chickens who taste them will apparently stop eating them. Good news because tearing these guys out is nearly impossible.

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