Tom, 9 month, missing feathers


Jul 17, 2022
Pink, OK
First he lost breast feathers which are growing back in, looks downy. This morning he's missing neck feathers too. He's not acting sick. The rest of my mixed flock are not having any issues nor acting sick. There is
no loose feathers inside the coop where they all roost at night. And they free range during the day. No changes feed wise nor giving any additives.
Please bare with me as I try to locate a computer whiz.... and another bird person asked could he be molting ?
The breast feathers loss is typical behavior during mating season due to rubbing on a fence.
Will post pic's of his neck tomorrow.. do you think his missing breast feathers could be from mating his jenny ? I have watched him pace the fence & haven't witnessed him rubbing his breast. But wonders never cease to amaze me....
Will post pic's of his neck tomorrow.. do you think his missing breast feathers could be from mating his jenny ? I have watched him pace the fence & haven't witnessed him rubbing his breast. But wonders never cease to amaze me....
The feather loss doesn't come from mating. It does come from pacing the fence. They will almost always do a fast turn right at the fence while rubbing their breast up against the fence. It is really common if another tom is on the other side of the fence.
Excuse me, new phone, think I solved my pic issue. As you can see it appears he's growing down on his breast. Thoughts please........


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