Think Green (pics)

Wish we could get a good rain here,we had a little the other day but not near enough. It'll rain all around us & we always miss out .
I have to watch myself going to Wal Mart & Lowe's with all the garden stuff
I've got squash snowpeas & put out some bell pepper yesterday.Along with some gourds & my favorite sunflowers.
My MIL planted some zinnas & tomatoes,gosh knows what else.She's more of a green thumb than me,but I'm learning.

We're covered in green here in WV... the cherry trees are blooming, and the peaches and pears... my early apple is all out. It's simply lovely. I hope they don't all get nipped by a late frost! Today it's 75, sunny and warm, and the goldfinches sing all day, while the horned owls and the nightjars sing all night
It's one of my favorite times of year... the frogs are all over.

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