Things you wish you could say

I don’t understand people like that. Even if the dog had never killed a single chicken or other animal in its life, I don’t get people who want to let them roam or whatever. Brew has gotten loose before and I get so scared every time and immediately try to find him as soon as I notice. Which is usually pretty fast since I’m paying attention to where he is. It doesn’t really happen anymore now that we have a fenced yard but it has still occasionally happened when the gate blows open in a storm or someone doesn’t latch it properly. But we found a way to fix it so it can’t blow open anymore. We also worked on training to stay in the yard. If I’m out there, he won’t go out the gate even if it’s open. Long story short, I would never just let him roam. Too many bad things could happen. He could get hit by a car, bit by something, lost, poisoned, shot, etc. not to mention him annoying people and dogs and jumping and trying to play. I would never want him to annoy anyone or scare anyone who’s afraid of dogs. So I keep him home.
Thank you for being a responsible pet owner, Dawg. When my son was about ten, a friend of his was killed, when, running from a dog that was chasing him, he ran out into traffic and was struck by a car. So sad!
Thank you for being a responsible pet owner, Dawg. When my son was about ten, a friend of his was killed, when, running from a dog that was chasing him, he ran out into traffic and was struck by a car. So sad!
I remember when I was younger and living in Cleveland, one of my sister's friends was delivering newspapers and a dog chased her and bit her side. I'm sure it wasn't but I remember her whole side open and bloody. She walked back home and was taken to the hospital(she was fine)
:smack Chickens don't run around killing other people's livestock.
They do kill people's flower beds and lawns, poop on porches, and sometimes spread diseases from one flock to another (which can be one form of killing.)

And not all dogs kill chickens either.

I think the general rule should be the same for all animals, including both dogs and chickens: keep them on your own property. That might involved a fence around the edge, or it might require a completely enclosed run or kennel with a roof, or it might require wing-clipping chickens or training dogs.

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