Things you wish you could say


Daffodils have been and gone, now the irises are beginning to shine. Lilies are still just pops of green.
I admire you working from home while also caring for your toddler, but when your job is primarily PHONE CONTACT with clients, for God's sake, get a babysitter!!!! Do you realize how annoying it is to try to do business with your company over the phone, while your baby is crying or 'MOMMYMOMMYMOMMY ....." in the background, repeatedly interrupting you AND ME. How can I know that you're giving my project your full attention or even providing accurate information, when you are so distracted???? C'mon, I love kids - but they do not belong in the workplace nor in your home office!!!
If a sitter won't work for you or you can't afford one, then find a different work-from-home job that doesn't depend on PHONE CONTACT to interact with clients!!!
I'm going to try that number again, hoping to get a customer service rep who's not dealing with a snotty, demanding rugrat, yanking on her sleeve and screaming into the phone.
There, I feel better now.
Carry on........

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