Things you wish you could say

so the girl who went from I love you to I hate you we will call her May, so me and May were in the office the other day talking about our friendship, today I was in there for another reason but I told the principal something about how May had lied and the principal said that she had talked to her earlier and that May actually misses me so I asked May to meet me and we had a great conversation she said she's not actually mad at me and she misses me but she needs time to think, I said I would give her all the time she needs but she should understand that I have no one else, she said she understands and I am a great person.
IMHO you need to let this girl go. Your relationship is clearly toxic... Friends will come and go. It's better to be lonely with no one than have one singular "friend" who manipulates and takes advantage of you.
she said she's not actually mad at me and she misses me but she needs time to think, I said I would give her all the time she needs but she should understand that I have no one else, she said she understands and I am a great person.

If she needs time to think, then giving her time to think is definitely a good idea. Time to think might help you too (or it might not help you-- I don't know either way.)

If you have no-one else but her as a friend, that is hard for you, but it can also be hard for her. Being the only friend can feel like a big responsibility, and not all people are able to cope with that.

I do not know what the right answer is, but hopefully when she and you have time to think, you can both figure out what kind of friendship is right for the two of you, whether that be close friendship, casual friendship, or just nodding acquaintances-- I really do not know, but I do wish you luck (both of you) in figuring it out.
If she needs time to think, then giving her time to think is definitely a good idea. Time to think might help you too (or it might not help you-- I don't know either way.)

If you have no-one else but her as a friend, that is hard for you, but it can also be hard for her. Being the only friend can feel like a big responsibility, and not all people are able to cope with that.

I do not know what the right answer is, but hopefully when she and you have time to think, you can both figure out what kind of friendship is right for the two of you, whether that be close friendship, casual friendship, or just nodding acquaintances-- I really do not know, but I do wish you luck (both of you) in figuring it out.
see someone understands

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