Things you wish you could say

"I see you have discovered typing, but the chirping noises you've recorded in this email have no business in our enterprise. Please stop trying to tell my staff how to do their jobs. You're confusing them and they're already doing what I believe you're asking for as part of the existing build automation process. I'd be happy to show you how it works, unless you'd rather keep trying to dictate redundant and contradictory policy and getting repeatedly shut down.

Your call."
So much information there. Hang in there! Bosses Day is coming sooner or later.
I have a roadmap published for 2023. It clearly lists the projects I'm resourcing against for the year and shows the exact count broken down by month of people resources I am allocating. When I say "We're full and cannot take anything more on this year", I @#!$@#$#$ mean it. If you want your project bumped in priority, take it to PMO and ask them to pitch it to the exec team. If they agree, I'll re-allocate people. Good luck there, they asked you for this in October when we all got together and planned this out. Poor planning on your part does not change that. Idiot.
I have a roadmap published for 2023. It clearly lists the projects I'm resourcing against for the year and shows the exact count broken down by month of people resources I am allocating. When I say "We're full and cannot take anything more on this year", I @#!$@#$#$ mean it. If you want your project bumped in priority, take it to PMO and ask them to pitch it to the exec team. If they agree, I'll re-allocate people. Good luck there, they asked you for this in October when we all got together and planned this out. Poor planning on your part does not change that. Idiot.
But I want it done now.
Political debate, sounds like! 😂
Yes, great guess! I talk to my dad every day-he is recently retired so all day long he listens to politics, politics politics :he At Christmas I actually had to limited him to 20 minutes of political debate per day with a willing participate. I wrote rules and everything; posted them on the frig. I texted him penalty card memes, time-outs (like a childs time-out--lol) whenever he violated a rule. He would get so mad; LOL

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