Things you wish you could say

Here's what Emily Post has to say.

TL;DR "Former" is actually correct, but the common parlance of referring to a Former POTUS still as "President" is unstoppable. Times, they sure are changin'

There are other reasons as well, but this is definitely not the place to have a discussion about the politics of media bias.
I didn't mean it to be political, I meant it to be grammatical. But point taken. Thank you.
president isn’t a title for life, unlike senator or governor.

when a president leaves office, he can be referred to by his previous title. so, it’s proper to refer to former president obama as senator obama now.

since trump never held office, mr. trump works just fine. or the honorable mr trump, if you feel like standing on ceremony.
i fell in love with my best friend we were very close i told her i had a crush on her an hour later she gave the friendship ring back and said I cant i broke down she later pulled me aside and said she would date me a few days later she confessed she never loved me despite the fact she would always say how much she loved me but last night she left me and doesn't wanna be friends anymore i am very devastated because she treated me like i was someone when nobody else ever has💔
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