Things you wish you could say

How's the kitty Bee?
As I thought, she has a bladder infection. Quite possibly lethal if not treated, but simple enough to treat with antibiotics. She and I are home with antibiotics and probiotics. I expect she'll improve quickly.

She was still eating and drinking normally so I think it was caught early enough that she'll be fine.
As I thought, she has a bladder infection. Quite possibly lethal if not treated, but simple enough to treat with antibiotics. She and I are home with antibiotics and probiotics. I expect she'll improve quickly.

She was still eating and drinking normally so I think it was caught early enough that she'll be fine.
Good to hear! Hope she gets better soon
Wish: OP started this thread because they have a sick/ injured bird and are in urgent need of assistance as soon as possible. It is not helpful for you to come on and tell all about your chicken with a similar problem (only different) and seek advice. Please start your own thread so you can get the help you need without hijacking this one. Thanks.

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