Things you wish you could say

We all have seen the markers on the side of the highway where someone has died. I was working late and driving home the other day. I saw an elderly man put fresh flowers on one of those markers. I was touched and wished I could say "sorry for your loss".
There's a corner near my house where someone has been putting flowers for years. An old woman was crossing and a minivan hit her so hard she flew about 60 feet. Then the minivan fled the scene. The driver was caught.

I feel bad every time I see those flowers, and I've been known to say things to people when I see them crossing that street without going to the crosswalk.
We all have seen the markers on the side of the highway where someone has died. I was working late and driving home the other day. I saw an elderly man put fresh flowers on one of those markers. I was touched and wished I could say "sorry for your loss".
There is an intersection in my town where a high school girl got t boned and died on her way home from Walmart, years ago. Her family and friends still put flowers there
Sad stories help those of us who care.

Religious texts have various versions of : “Justice is mine sayth the-“

Karma can be said to just (smirk) as it does it’s job….

Meanwhile I’m torn…… I have multiple thoughts that race around in my head depending on the situation at hand.

Rarely are they benefiting as a solution but, dang if some don’t sound fun to say to those #DAC AKA #DarwinAwardContenders

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