Things you wish you could say

Oh Jimmy Neutron gonna be MAAaaaDDDdddd.

Oh lord, that was what the 90's early 2k? too long ago to remember..


I’m gonna roll that “way back machine’s clock” back a couple decades for “real Old SKOOL” fair enough?
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Old school. you say?
I'm never sure whether remarks like this are meant for someone who recently posted in this thread, or whether they are what someone wishes they could say in a different thread, because they often seem to make sense both ways :lau
If your reply isn't quoted, assume it's unlrelated. ;)
Why do you have to call off work because of a bloody nose? Seriously, a bloody nose? Stick some tissues up there and get in to work, you are the head cook for pity's sake! Next, you'll be calling off because of a damn hang nail
Oh Trip, are you kidding? 😧 I wouldn't want a cook dripping nose blood on my pancakes or my steak! Let him stay home or go to the ER, but pleeeeeeze don't let him work around food if he's bleeding from any orifice! 🤢🤮
Oh Trip, are you kidding? 😧 I wouldn't want a cook dripping nose blood on my pancakes or my steak! Let him stay home or go to the ER, but pleeeeeeze don't let him work around food if he's bleeding from any orifice! 🤢🤮
They weren't dripping blood. It was a lame excuse to call off. And it's in an elementary school cafeteria so your food is safe. All the food is safe, again, lame excuse to call off

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