Things you wish you could say

Most people wouldn't call the authorities on their buds for bad animal practices. Unsolicited advice undermines the intelligence of the rambler, perhaps you could start your own advice thread? I'm not trying to be rude, but you've completely ignored everyone else who has hinted to the fact.
Unsolicited advice undermines the intelligence of the rambler,
Or you could click the ignore button and not have to see anything I am posting. I get it you don't like me, but this IS a rambling / rant thread so...... Im not calling anyone names here and if people don't want to have any replies to what they post, then perhaps they should not post in a PUBLIC forum. I have just as much right here to post as anyone else. It's called a conversation. Engage in it or ignore it, it's your choice. People also have the choice NOT to take my suggestions either, adults do that kind of thing.

Bad animal practices is one thing but if you are intentionally doing stuff that is harmful and actually in this case, could be considered as abuse, thats an entirely different situation. Apparently the situation is bad enough that the individual felt a need to vent about it here as a problem. NOTHING I said in reply was implying they were stupid, or undermining them, I was offering a suggestion that could possibly help them with the situation that is upsetting them so much. Just because you do not like me and want to try to take everything I say in a negative twist to support your dislike does not make it a truth.

I don't like this dog, so I'll just tie it to a tree and not feed it or give it water until it dies, or when nobody is looking ill throw it over the fence at the zoo for the lions to get.

You are correct that most people would not snitch on their buds, but at what point DO people step in to stop a wrong, or are you one of those who just positions themselves to get the best video to put up on twitter?

Maybe we shouldn't be talking about recipes either, im sure the OP of that comment was insulted that someone suggested an alternative, I mean that could seriously undermine their Nutella authority !! How far do you want to go with the, you can't talk here?

Just saying. Take it or leave it.

!! How far do you want to go with the, you can't talk here?

Just saying. Take it or leave it.

I do like you, and I don't think you're an idiot or anything like that, I just think people have the right to rant in peace, without unsolicited advice that undermines their intelligence, and some people don't have that in real life.
, I just think people have the right to rant in peace, without unsolicited advice that undermines their intelligence, a
Lets try to have a civil conversation on this.
WHY do you think my unsolicited advice is undermining someone's intelligence?
WHY would you assume that was my intention to make them look bad or dumb? I assure you it was not.

Let's not have this convo here, sincerely, id like to discuss this with you, I think DM's might be a more appropriate place for it though. I'll leave it up to you if you want to continue this path. Just don't see why you think my intentions there were to be destructive to the OP is all.

Unsolicited advice undermines the intelligence of the rambler, perhaps you could start your own advice thread?
I'm never sure whether remarks like this are meant for someone who recently posted in this thread, or whether they are what someone wishes they could say in a different thread, because they often seem to make sense both ways :lau
I'm never sure whether remarks like this are meant for someone who recently posted in this thread, or whether they are what someone wishes they could say in a different thread, because they often seem to make sense both ways :lau
Not to mention, if the poster is playing catch up on posts and is replying just now, to something that was 2 days and 32 left turns ago, it gets even more confusing.

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