Things you wish you could say


*ahem* I mean marriage is a joy and a blessing :p
This is right up there with, "can you wait 10 minutes while I finish? Oh, and shut the bathroom door on your way out."

No where in the marriage vows does it say "sanctity of the bathroom," but it should!

The response is usually, "but aren't I more important to you than what you are trying to focus on?!?" Um, do you really want me to answer that right now?
My husband and I have an unspoken rule about this. Neither of us barges in or bothers them if the other person is using the toilet. Just don't do it!
Have a spouse that never knocks? Lock the door.
Do the children respect this rule? Do you have a single toilet house?

4 kids, 1 toilet that everyone wanted to use. Fond memories. I'm surprised more weren't killed.
Do the children respect this rule? Do you have a single toilet house?

4 kids, 1 toilet that everyone wanted to use. Fond memories. I'm surprised more weren't killed.
Single toilet. Rule was if the door is closed, wait. The dogs seemed to have the biggest problem with this.

At the new place we just built, we have an outhouse. (We will have a septic soon.) Its a one seater. Same principle as before- no one needs or wants company while they are in the bathroom.
Our biggest probleem is the cat. She sleeps on the cabinet so she's usually shut inside while you go and she'll no joke jump down and try to go between your legs if you're sitting. Standing is a bit less of a hassle.

Also! Don't give people aggressive roosters! Even if you've warned them about them, it's irresponsible
Also! Don't give people aggressive roosters! Even if you've warned them about them, it's irresponsible
I would make one exception: you can give someone an aggressive rooster if they are going to butcher it. (Of course, still tell them it's aggressive, but if they'll be butchering it promptly, it's not a big deal.)

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