Things you wish you could say

That I could agree a bit more with, but some lots (at least where I live near) are tiny. I wouldn't have a dog live in them all day, let alone a chicken coop that's large enough for a flock of chickens. I dunno, I just don't think it's realistic now to expect every homeowner to be able to own chickens anymore.
If people really want some livestock, there are ways, but no one should be forced to have them. I live in suburbia with nearby neighbours. I do not have chickens. I have quail. Much smaller, much quieter.

Two years ago, I would have told you that there was no way I could butcher a bird. Now, I still don't like it, but I can and do. I went into raising quail eyes open that I wanted them for eggs and meat. When I couldn't find anyone to do it for me, I learned how.

I don't believe that everyone should be able to butcher an animal, but they absolutely should be aware of where their meat comes from and how it gets to the table.
I don't believe that everyone should be able to butcher an animal, but they absolutely should be aware of where their meat comes from and how it gets to the table.
Hubs and I have this argument on a regular basis.
He hates nature shows and makes me feel bad for watching them because if the occasional successful hunt. Yes, some shows really focus on that and I dont like those either. He also makes terrible comments about going to the meat store (not butcher). I have to remind him that his meat he likes so much has to come from somewhere.
There is a very real disconnect between people and their food. Its sad. City slickers are excused 🤣🤣
There is a very real disconnect between people and their food. Its sad. City slickers are excused 🤣🤣
Well, thank you, we city dwellers can be excused to some extent. We need to at least be respectful of the animals and people who make our meals possible. :bow My kid was born in a major metro area, but it’s still my responsibility to make sure he knows how his burger gets on his plate!:old
Hubs and I have this argument on a regular basis.
He hates nature shows and makes me feel bad for watching them because if the occasional successful hunt. Yes, some shows really focus on that and I dont like those either. He also makes terrible comments about going to the meat store (not butcher). I have to remind him that his meat he likes so much has to come from somewhere.
There is a very real disconnect between people and their food. Its sad. City slickers are excused 🤣🤣

Well, thank you, we city dwellers can be excused to some extent. We need to at least be respectful of the animals and people who make our meals possible. :bow My kid was born in a major metro area, but it’s still my responsibility to make sure he knows how his burger gets on his plate!:old
I'm a city slicker. In my opinion, Americans eat too much meat in general, and some of that comes from the disconnect and not really understanding that an animal dies to get that meat. Some of those animals have very unpleasant lives before becoming meat.

That's another thing I like about raising most of my own meat (I don't eat much meat other than quail these days) is that I know exactly how they lived. I also know that their ends were as quick as I could make it.
We have a major problem in the parks here with wild/feral hogs. If you can find a safe, legal place to hunt them, they make nice protein for the table. And help the environment.
This is not a hunt I would take my child on, unless she will be on a stand the entire time, as the hogs can be as mean as a bear with cubs, if a momma pig has piglets with her or you are near where she is keeping them
We have a major problem in the parks here with wild/feral hogs. If you can find a safe, legal place to hunt them, they make nice protein for the table. And help the environment.
This is not a hunt I would take my child on, unless she will be on a stand the entire time, as the hogs can be as mean as a bear with cubs, if a momma pig has piglets with her or you are near where she is keeping them
When I've gone pig hunting, they don't show up often. I've tried several times and will continue.

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