Things you wish you could say

You could have fun with that!! Some comments could send people into a frenzy while other comments could have the cops called on you.
I literally shop sales. Once a month I buy staples.

Today, I had 50 pounds of pork loin in my cart (1.55/lb) that they took issue with. Why? I have no clue.... they appeared to be happy with cup-a-noodles and Mac n cheese.
Keep an eye on your cart vs sticking your nose in mine.

Wait.... I said that today. People don't comprehend shopping once a month. Therefor make comments about me hoarding like some doomsday freak.

I dislike people.
I saw someone who had 2 carts full of water 24 packs. Just water. But I certainly wasn't going to ask them about it since I didn't know them
Keep an eye on your cart vs sticking your nose in mine.

Wait.... I said that today. People don't comprehend shopping once a month. Therefor make comments about me hoarding like some doomsday freak.

I dislike people.
Last year when things started getting crazy, I went to the store for Epsom salts. They had their normal smallish cartons there, but they also had these big 10# bags. The big bags were a way better deal, plus they were buy one get one 50% off. So I grabbed two bags not thinking much about it & headed for the register. EVERYBODY was staring at me. I mean everybody. In the store, in line, in the parking lot, literally, everybody.

DH & I got a good laugh thinking that I’d probably started an Epsom Salt buying frenzy. They probably didn’t even know what it was or how to use it, but I bet they cleared them all off the shelf. 🤣

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