They're paying off ... ka ching!


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
Vancouver Island, B.C.,
After 3 years and some bad chicken math, they are finally paying for their feed, bedding, treats, powders etc.
I've been selling eggs to family, friends and at the driveway gate.
We've got 19 hens (the bad chicken math ... thought 5 would be good) and are getting about 12-13 eggs a day.
Went out to put more egg money in the coop coin box and there was $116.00 in there.
We're planning some coop reno's this spring so they'll pay for that too.
Not to upset you but I think you chicken is still well not right.....
Making money selling eggs...
I know. It still seems suspicious to me too.
Maybe they(hens) are out there doing nefarious deeds for gangsters and stashing their "dirty money" in the coop, thinking that with my math skills I wouldn't notice.
They (hens) might be saving up to buy a rooster, as they're tired of waiting for me to get one. Again, they hope to sneak him in, counting on my chicken math skills. LOL.
But, when it comes to counting money, Duckinnut, HEY, I'm a woman ... WE CAN COUNT MONEY!

Firetigress, I sell them for $3.50 a doz.
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P.S. To my previous post ... I've probably p'd off the fate gods by bragging.
I'll probably get a plague of pox or something to "test me".
I was just amazed that the $$$$ had built up as I always believed that I was one of those deluded folks that eats $$$$$eggs for breakfast and has to come up with reasons for keeping those messy things.

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