TheChickenNugget in Culture Shock!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 23, 2007
Hey guys! TheChickenNugget from the EZboard BYC here. Decided I best sign up here just incase things go down the hole at the other forum.

I'm still in culture shock though. Is it just me or are the forum names on the main index in a bigger font than on Ez? Makes the page seem...I dunno... I know the whole having both who started the thread and who last posted is really different and right now is driving me nuts. You know what the say about change....

Anyhoo, I'm here fellow EzBoard BYCers, though you'll probably see me doing my posting there and just do some lurking here.

Edit: Gah! I thought for sure I was posting into the social forum! Sorry for that mods! Please move me over there.
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