The Wyandotte Thread

Does anyone in the US still breed dun laced Wyandotte bantams or know how to create them?

If you find someone, let me know. Way back in high school I made some pretty nice dun laced, then sold eggs online for a while before selling the breeders before I moved to town. Last year I contacted the buyers and no one had them anymore.
If you find someone, let me know. Way back in high school I made some pretty nice dun laced, then sold eggs online for a while before selling the breeders before I moved to town. Last year I contacted the buyers and no one had them anymore.

So far I haven't found anyone. I'm wondering how to start my own dun laced.
I'd never heard of dun laced and have just looked them up, they're very pretty! Surprised thry are hard to come by? Any particular reason these wouldnt be as common or is it just a case of not enough interest in breeding them?
theres 5 chicks in the brooder so shes not alone. Her little wing feathers are coming in, so cute. I think she's the noisest chick in the brooder tho!
LOL, that's how our Ziggy is! She is still our most vochal at 2&1/2 months, but oh so sweet! She doesn't like to be approached & picked up, but if anyone sits down (even strangers) she ends up hopping in their laps for a good snuggle & a nap. I call her our little complainer. She's so whiney!
Once upon a time (12 weeks ago), I received some chicks from a breeder in Michigan supposed to be day old Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. I noticed some differences when they were about a week old. 2 were dark, 2 were Splash and 2 had some V patterns on their heads. Here is a pic from that time:

With the help of this forum, we established that the chicks with V pattern were either the result of:

A) breeder sending wrong chicks by mistake
B) unknowing to the breeder some other breed jumped the pen and resulted in a cross.

Here are some pics now (at 12 weeks), The ones with V on their heads a pretty obviously different. They are bronze/Salmon colored with hints of blue. I would appreciate if I can get feedback as to:

1. What breed do they look like a cross with (since I do see blue in them)
2. Quality of lacing on the dark ones? Is it too early to tell or they are just bad quality? Please be honest so that they can be culled before spending any more energy. (my friend has them now)
3. Which Splash looks better? Both Splashes have straight comb though. If they are crossed with pea combed rooster or hen will it fix the comb?
4. Any obvious cockerels?

Thanks everyone in advance. Here are the pics:

Those all look like mutts to me...No boys I can see. A breeder should be able to sell you what you want. Try Chickenhill on this site. And straight combs to boot. I would not breed them. Sorry....
@Junibutt I wish I had the knowledge to chime in on your culling question, but I don't. Even though it sounds like a breeder misrepresented what was being sold, I think the dark ones are beautiful, I also love the light one with the grey head. I'm sorry that breeder didn't send you what you paid for, though.

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