The Welsummer Thread!!!!

speckled sussex or welsummer
bought some of both from Meyer Hatchery and thanks the POs new shipping rules, lost half my chicks
Meyer's is shipping me new chicks but I have to figure out which ones I lost before they can ship me new ones. I have looked on this thread and the Speckled Sussex one and just can't tell.
Any help would be appreciated. The ones lost had a more yellow breast fluff and were smaller, about half the size of these. The smaller ones had a less defined chipmunk pattern.

These were taken 2/9 the day they arrived.

The first picture is the ones above and the second picture are the ones that died.

Drum roll please.....they are both Wellies. Neck feathers are coming in and look just like a welsummers.
Maybe I can get some help from this thread. I am trying to decide which cockerel to keep and I only have 2 to choose from. Both have their pros and cons. 5 weeks old!

Cockerel #1: I already had to trim his beak down. He is def. the dominant out of the 2 and has been feathering out faster (except his tail is wimpy) and is noticeably the bigger of the 2. He is out going and friendly and comes up to my hands when I have treats. I do not like his comb though compared to #2. He also has more red in his chest feathers.

#1 in the rear #2 in the front size difference not noticeable here.

#1 top view



Cockerel #2: Not overly friendly, keeps to himself. More black in chest feathers. Comb has even points compared to #1. Slightly smaller than #1

Stance is different between them #1 on left #2 on right (I know it looks like they are the same size but #2 IS smaller he is just standing up on a bar in this pic)

Top view of #2

Front of #2

I don't have a good side head shot of #2 the pic of the 2 together will have to do. These are HATCHERY quality birds and I am aware they will not be prime examples of their breed but its all I have to work with.

Edited to add:

I did have a head shot of him!

I just hatched out my second batch, one of them being pure welsummer, i have nothing to compare this chick to in terms of male or female. I know they are easy enough to sex, but i have never done it before! I thought too at first, but the eyeliner is getting more distinct and feathers are growing super fast! 3 days old today!

From what I have seen by how my 7 Welsummers matured, looks like you have a cute little pullet!
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I'm not a breeder, but my advise would be to wait, they look to young to be sure which is best. When I picked mine out of three they were crowing and fighting and ready to butcher. I picked the one that was the top rooster, I had other breeds also. He was the most colourful prettiest one also. The other two were dull in color and they were much bigger, they were as big as the cochin and RIR cockerels, wellies are not supposed to be that big. I think I have a good one and he is supper nice and calm.

My Wellie was just having a bad hair day it seems, but her colors are so beautiful I had to share. Love this breed.
24 weeks and still no eggs from her but I love her anyway.


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My welsummer babies hatched! Got 12 so far... All seemed really easy to sex so far except one (this is my first time) this one I'm thinking is roo but he doesn't seem quite as blurred as the others... What do you think?
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