The Story of my Greyhounds!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
Central Oklahoma
My wife and I have loved Greyhounds for about 8yrs it all started when we adopted a retired racer named Flyingbavarian. This is the story of our journey with greys.

He was a wonderful dog he raced 4 1/2yrs until he broke his toe and was retired from racing. He lived to be 12 1/2yrs old We had to have him put down because he broke his leg trying to get up he had arthritis pretty bad in his hips and it made getting up a chore for him. He knew no strangers and actually was the reason my wife and her friend started a greyhound adoption group almost 6yrs ago. Bavarian took retirement very seriously he was the laziest dog we've ever had.

We then adopted a senior greyhound named noah he was 11 years old and heartworm positive when the group got him. He was a surrender from a women who was having some shall we say legal problems she dumped him at her sisters and her sister called our group to see if we would take him so of course we did. My wife picked him up and we had him treated for heartworms, he lived to be 13 years old. Unfortunately i don't have any pictures of him at the moment but he was black with a little grey possum face and very handsome you will just have to take my word on that.

Once we had the adoption group and started fostering dogs it wasn't long until we had more greys of our own. They say that greyhounds are like potato chips, you can't stop at just one and I would have to agree with that. They really make wonderful pets.

Next came cleo her racing career was cut short from a broken leg but it hasn't slowed her at all she is still the fastest dog we've had in our backyard to date!


She looks innocent but is really a mischievous puppy at heart.

Then we got monte, we fostered him for a few months then he was adopted out. Well the family had little kids and they kept leaving the gate open and he was getting out all the time. Which led to him to getting hit by a car and the family didn't want to pay to have him taken care of so our group took him back and got him treated.

Here is the damage it did amazingly he didnt break a bone it pretty much just took all the hide off his leg. It took 3 months for the skin to grow back and he was a great patient our friend paul who runs the group with my wife took care of him during that time once he was better he came to our house for us to foster. We fostered monte for around 8 months it seemed like once people saw his leg they weren't interested so my wife and I decided that if we fostered him 1 year and no one was interested that we would adopt him. The 1 year mark came around and monte still didn't have anyone interested so he became our dog and was taken off the adoption website to live with us for good.

Here is monte about 4 years after the accident he is the sweetest dog we have I mean come on look at that face.

Then there was red he was a seizure from a person breeding greyhounds for coyote hunting all the dogs were in pretty bad shape when the group got them red wasn't actually full greyhound he was a mix usually a greyhound with a wolfhound or greyhound with a stockier dog who is meant to get up close and personal with the coyotes. Our vet thinks red was greyhound and pitbull. He was one of my favorite fosters just a happy boy and never made a peep. We were never sure of his age but the vet said he was around 7 when we got him and the group had him for 5 years. He was never officially our dog but we fostered him for the the last 2 years of his life.

This is red I couldn't have asked for a better dog.


This is Jetstar Journey she was a brood mama until she was 9 years old our group has had her for 3 years and it was decided a year ago that we will foster her the rest of her life since she is older and we don't want her to have to go through the adoption process at 12 years of age. She has cataracts and cant see very well but it doesn't slow her down much she is a mama dog at heart she makes sure everyone is all clean and regulates how much fun the other dogs can have lol if they get to rowdy around her she lets them know its time to settle down.

Our newest addition is Sweetheart she was a rescue from a lady who abused her. Her own mother called animal control on her when she saw the dog. I won't show any pictures of her in when we first got her but if you want to see them or read her story you can at Sweetheart's Story the pics at the begining of the blog are pretty bad just a warning. She has gained just under 30lbs since we got her last august mind you she only weighs 57lbs now so it was a very dire situation and we weren't sure if she was going to make it but she is one tough cookie. Not only was she starved and covered in fleas she was also chained to a tree and the chain had wrapped around her back leg and wore it to the bone it was very bad.

Here is sweetheart on one of the many rides to the vet I had to take her twice a week for 3 months to get her leg bandage changed. But our vet saved her leg and she is totally recovered. She was even on T.V. 2 of the local news groups did a story on her.

This is about six months after we had rescued her.

After caring for sweetheart for 6 months we decided that we couldn't give her up and officially adopted her. She loves to play and torment the other dogs, she really is a funny dog just a silly soul if ya know what I mean.

There have been countless other fosters over the last 6 years too many to name, sometimes we would have them a few months sometimes just a couple weeks but they all were wonderful dogs and i am proud to say that we have helped many Greys find homes. Our greyhound adoption group is small just a few individuals that run it from our households but I am proud to be a part of it. If you would like to visit our website its Thanks for reading and if you have any questions about greyhounds don't hesitate to ask I am not an expert but have learned a lot about the breed over the years.

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Awww, this is so wonderful and heart-warming to read!
There are few things in the world that can compare to rescuing animals. It sounds like you have made many doggy lives better by doing what you do. I especially love that you foster some of the older dogs to the end of their lives... That is something I wish more people would do, as it breaks my heart to see elderly dogs in shelters when all they need is a comfy place to live out their days. They are so often ignored in favor of the young pups.

Greyhounds are absolutely gorgeous dogs, and of course there is a lot of need for people to rescue them because of the racing industry. It is so admirable how much love, time, and effort you put into this. You are making the world a better place!
Thanks, I am happy to be able to help these dogs. We really love the old dogs we always have at least two foster dogs usually a senior that doesn't really have much of a chance to get adopted and a younger foster dog. Actually had 3 younger dogs this week my wife delivered one to a home today and we will deliver another tomorrow and pick up the third from the vet to bring home and get her ready to be adopted out. Our group get dogs from racing breeders and most shelters in Ok. have our number so when they get a greyhound they will usually contact us. Oklahoma is the third largest state for breeding racing greyhounds so there is no shortage of dogs that need homes.
At the moment we feed science diet adult because we can get it in our town, we have used authority from pet smart and liked it but its out of our way by 30 mins to get it. We would like to try taste of the wild and we probably will in the near future even though its about $10 more per bag. Its tough because feeding 5-7 greyhounds at any one time gets expensive. I see you are in fl. our dog bavarian came from the bahama mama's kennel around tampa he raced at derby lane. I'll post some more pics of some favorite fosters tomorrow maybe.
Wow. You are very special for loving the dogs that no one else looks at twice. I too enjoy giving retirement homes to older dogs. They are so greatful and know they have been saved:) All of yours are gorgeous....and who could say no to those eyes?

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