~The Sapphire Gem~ A Breed's Chat Thread

Finally took pictures of our baby Sapphire Gems. These are our first of this breed and boy are they curious and outgoing. I love them already!



I ordered these babies 8-21-18 so they're just over 2 weeks old. :love
Finally took pictures of our baby Sapphire Gems. These are our first of this breed and boy are they curious and outgoing. I love them already!
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I ordered these babies 8-21-18 so they're just over 2 weeks old. :love
They are adorable! My sg girl is always one of the first of my flock to greet me and check to see if I brought treats! She’s definitely outgoing. Here’s an updated photo of her at just over six months old.
@Sapphire Jan
Both of your chicks look barred.
If so they're both males.

So much simular to the ISA Brown? The reds are females and the males are white upon hatching? In Sapphire Gems, the barred Head look alike is always males and the blue, black, splash, light blueish is always females? Even in 2nd and 3rd if you breed them as such Sapphire Gem Male (Barred head and neck/Sapphire Body) Crossed with a Sapphire Gem (Blue or Splash)?
Welcome to the Sapphire Gem chat thread! I created this thread as a place to gather and talk about the new, beautiful, regal breed; the Sapphire Gem! Anyone interested in this new breed is welcome here, feel free to post pictures of your birds and engage in discussion, this is a very new breed and hopefully it can gain some ground in the chicken world!

About the Sapphire Gem:
The Sapphire Gem is a new sex-linked breed of chicken with lavender and blue colored plumage. Hens will grow to be about 4lbs, while males will mature at about 5lbs. They are wonderful layers, bred to lay around 290 brown eggs a year. The breed is very close to Old Andalusians and does well in hot climates. They were developed by a breeder in the Czech Republic.
I bought three pulleys told they where 14 wks old my hubby said no way, anyways I have had them 9 wks which would make them now 23 weeks but no eggs three girls no eggs when do they usually start to lay? Also have ee and buckeyes jersey giants and USA browns all over 7 months and one egg a day small and dark brown. Not sure who’s laying it.
I bought three pulleys told they where 14 wks old my hubby said no way, anyways I have had them 9 wks which would make them now 23 weeks but no eggs three girls no eggs when do they usually start to lay? Also have ee and buckeyes jersey giants and USA browns all over 7 months and one egg a day small and dark brown. Not sure who’s laying it.
Now that theyre a couple weeks neither look barred so I think Im safe.
I have 5 Sapphire Gems, they started to lay around 20 to 21 weeks old and now at 26 weeks i am getting 4 or 5 eggs every day , some are double yolkers, they are beautiful birds and great layers.
I have 5 Sapphire Gems, they started to lay around 20 to 21 weeks old and now at 26 weeks i am getting 4 or 5 eggs every day , some are double yolkers, they are beautiful birds and great layers.
Thank you these girls are just now getting combs you can see, all three are bright red. So I guess hubby is right they had to be much younger when I got them.

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