Hey yall! I just need to brag on my baby real quick.
We found her outside the nest after being rejected. She had something wrong with her left eye and it wouldn't open. I put her in my shirt and she lived there pretty much for 2 weeks until we got her eye fixed and found her some friends. We named her Miracle. The mom who rejected her, wasn't her mom
They tagged team the nest but Miracle belonged to our white runner. Dad is a chocolate runner. Her and her adopted sisters have been out with the ducks since late September.
Yall I just watched my baby learn how to build a nest from her mama and lay her first egg!!
I am so proud of her!
Here are some of her and then her egg compared to mom's egg!


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*sneaks back in*

Looks like it's been quiet in here.

I'd say about a month ago, I heard a commotion outside and thought my daughter's dog had gotten loose again. I don't trust that dog as she'd already killed one of my ducks. So I go outside and find not the dog, but a FOX on top of my favourite duck! Chased it away, and Smudge was okay, if traumatized.

They've all been penned since then, although the thing still managed to get in there again. As well as the ducks getting *out*. I think I have them secure enough for now. Going to have to wait until Spring to attempt a more solid build. Friend was supposed to come over to help, but he suddenly took sick.

Today, it's been freezing rain all day. Decided to put everyone to bed a bit early, only to find my one remaining 3 month old 'scovie laying on his side, barely alive. To dumb to get out of the rain, he got chilled to the bone. He's in a box in the washroom now, with a heat lamp and hot water bottle and wrapped in a towel. It's been almost three hours, but he's starting to move around now. Keeping my fingers crossed he makes it.

Hope everyone is doing better than me.
*sneaks back in*

Looks like it's been quiet in here.

I'd say about a month ago, I heard a commotion outside and thought my daughter's dog had gotten loose again. I don't trust that dog as she'd already killed one of my ducks. So I go outside and find not the dog, but a FOX on top of my favourite duck! Chased it away, and Smudge was okay, if traumatized.

They've all been penned since then, although the thing still managed to get in there again. As well as the ducks getting *out*. I think I have them secure enough for now. Going to have to wait until Spring to attempt a more solid build. Friend was supposed to come over to help, but he suddenly took sick.

Today, it's been freezing rain all day. Decided to put everyone to bed a bit early, only to find my one remaining 3 month old 'scovie laying on his side, barely alive. To dumb to get out of the rain, he got chilled to the bone. He's in a box in the washroom now, with a heat lamp and hot water bottle and wrapped in a towel. It's been almost three hours, but he's starting to move around now. Keeping my fingers crossed he makes it.

Hope everyone is doing better than me.
So glad you got on here. I thought maybe I just wasn't getting any posts. I was so sorry to hear about the fox and your Muscovy. I pray that he makes it alright. Mine stand in the rain all of the time but we don't get your brutal temperatures. We have gotten -14 F before and mine were all just fine but I know you can get lower than that where you are. The worst I can ever remember it being here was -19 F years ago. I pray that your problem with the fox has left you. They claim they do not like bright lights or dogs. They say you can put solar lights around your pen that come on with movement at night and coyote urine too helps to keep them away. I don't know if you can get coyote urine up there or not. Good luck with your situations and I pray your Duck turns out fine.

I haven't seen the fox for a while, it hasn't even tried to get to the bait in the live trap I set out, so maybe it moved on. Fingers crossed it did.

Dumb-Dumb Duck that didn't know how to get himself out of the freezing rain is now doing just fine. In fact, he's doing better than fine. He escaped the enclosure I'd made for him so is now in the dog kennel cage. He wouldn't have survived if the temps had been arctic, but since it was hovering around the freezing point I got to him in time.

I haven't seen the fox for a while, it hasn't even tried to get to the bait in the live trap I set out, so maybe it moved on. Fingers crossed it did.

Dumb-Dumb Duck that didn't know how to get himself out of the freezing rain is now doing just fine. In fact, he's doing better than fine. He escaped the enclosure I'd made for him so is now in the dog kennel cage. He wouldn't have survived if the temps had been arctic, but since it was hovering around the freezing point I got to him in time.
Thanks for the update, so happy to hear he is doing fine.

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