Glad to hear he's doing better!

Good luck with the oral meds. Watch out for that beak! I have a scar above the back of my thumb where a tiel sunk her beak in and wouldn't let go. Of course, I was catching her for a customer and couldn't start screaming my head off because of the pain at the time, lol. Instead I smiled (probably grimaced) and gently detached her before placing her in the box.

He got me around the towel the first time I gave him his meds. Luckily he's not usually too bad - he did break the skin, but he let go and it only left a little mark. He could have been much worse if he wanted!

The tetracycline isn't agreeing with him, I don't think. He seems more miserable than he did Sunday. And he has been having watery poop and it's covered the bottom of his tail.

I called the vet - and I don't know if I already said this but I don't really like this vet, he didn't actually go to school for birds so I don't 100% trust him, but since my old avian vet retired he's the only vet within an hour that does birds and I NEEDED Rowan to get antibiotics, so, ugh - and said that I think the tetracycline isn't agreeing with him and we should switch antibiotics.

To Baytril, would have been my choice, and that's what he got shots of anyway so I don't really know why the vet went with tetracycline for the oral meds. Instead he said to stop the medicine and call him with an update tomorrow.

And, after doing some research online, it looks like tetracycline doesn't even usually work for the usual respiratory diseases that cockatiels get and isn't even really used for them; doxycycline is. Jeez.

Whatever, I ordered Baytril online last night. I usually have it on hand anyway, I just can't find the bottle I have.
He got me around the towel the first time I gave him his meds. Luckily he's not usually too bad - he did break the skin, but he let go and it only left a little mark. He could have been much worse if he wanted!

The tetracycline isn't agreeing with him, I don't think. He seems more miserable than he did Sunday. And he has been having watery poop and it's covered the bottom of his tail.

I called the vet - and I don't know if I already said this but I don't really like this vet, he didn't actually go to school for birds so I don't 100% trust him, but since my old avian vet retired he's the only vet within an hour that does birds and I NEEDED Rowan to get antibiotics, so, ugh - and said that I think the tetracycline isn't agreeing with him and we should switch antibiotics.

To Baytril, would have been my choice, and that's what he got shots of anyway so I don't really know why the vet went with tetracycline for the oral meds. Instead he said to stop the medicine and call him with an update tomorrow.

And, after doing some research online, it looks like tetracycline doesn't even usually work for the usual respiratory diseases that cockatiels get and isn't even really used for them; doxycycline is. Jeez.

Whatever, I ordered Baytril online last night. I usually have it on hand anyway, I just can't find the bottle I have.
Wow... It's bad when we can do better diagnosis that the actual 'expert' and 'professional' can. :hugs Hopefully you get the Baytril soon. Really wish I could get stuff like that here.
Emergency: Duckling number ten hatched yesterday evening in the CCI and immediately we noticed that there was something wrong with that guy:
  • Uncoordinated leg movement, unable to sit but then explosively jumping up
  • Some symptoms of Stargazing, the little head fell back uncontrolled
  • "Walking" - better hopping in circles - backwards
  • Crying loudly when not held firmly
  • Eye lid partially closed over right eye
  • Trembling uncontrollable even when warm
The little one spent a night wrapped in a towel on a chest and slept a lot. It already pooped the green stuff out and is doing better:
  • Pecking at my wedding banc - not blind
  • drinking water and vitamin solution - with help and being held
  • Pecking at food and eating a little bit
But i thing something is wrong with its right body half, at least the leg, i remember walking in the same way after a bottle of Captain's...
Video is uploading, but if you have some immediate advice...
Been busy trying to finish putting up the garden. making tomato juice tomorrow and maybe gazpacho. The heat finished off everything but the figs. Fig jam tomorrow too. The geese are mostly doing great. The two smaller ones both have angel wing. I was hesitant to fix it cause its over 100 degrees and they flap to help keep cool so I guess I have two geese with angel wing. Lenny Bruce, the largest goose pants me this morning. I bent over to scoop feed and my clothes get pulled down. Lenny is a character.
One of our ducks has been climbing a pile of wood brush and started limping heavily... It's been 36 hours now. Separated her into a crate (the well known crate that formerly held Junior during her all-inclusive special treatment package) so we're sure she's resting, eating and drinking (and yelling when the others vanish from view).

Checked the feet to see that there are no thorns, cuts... Could not find any.

Fingers crossed.
Limping duck now let out to do the evening swim. They are SO much happier when swimming is available...

This one actually came in the batch of 3 together with Junior - came from a really poor environment so they are sisters in hardship.

All the time that she's in the crate, when others move away, Junior stays with her and yells for them to come back. Runs a bit after them but returns to her always.

She bathed nicely and then jumped out of the kiddie pool and "ran" at speed to find where the others are. So she kinda ran but with flopping down all the time and some help from the wings etc... I do hope she'll improve. They were all in such good shape when Junior's special treatment worked out and now this :(

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