For the tornados, all you can do is pray. For the wind and hail, you have to have good insurance. Two years ago we got hit by hail that big. Damage to the car and my truck. The worst part happened a few days later. Our power meter had been hit by the hail. The meter shorted and set the pole on fire right next to the house. It was a pissing contest between my home warranty, my insurance, and the power company. I wound up paying for all the damage out of pocket.
Its been an event full day. We drove over to our place in New Orleans cause need to get termites treated, A tree cut and the HVAC worked on. Got here about 5, unloaded the car etc. About 7 dh went out on the back porch and saw out 88 yo neighbor laying in his back yard. He had fallen about 2 and had lain out there for 5 hours. Dh got him up and in the house. Going tomorrow to have a key made for his place. If we hadn't seen him I dont know how long he would have been there. He at least had some humor about it. Said he took a nap.
I think the weather people overblew the threat. A couple inches of rain, wind gusts less than 50 mph, very little pea sized hail. We get to do it all over again tomorrow night.
Weather forecasting is a non-prophet organization.

It's also the only profession where you can be wrong half the time and still get paid a six figure salary.

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