Good morning folks :frow Good evening Wunda & Kiwi :frow

Here's a short video for you Wunda
Jag's videos were somewhat helpful when i started with sweet potatoes! However just forget about the toothpicks and all the hassle: Just throw the potato into a container with water so that it is almost covered, it needs a little bit of air to breathe and you will get new slips from all over the bulb.
@Muscovy Wunda the bases of the slips that have emerged from your potato must be covered in water, otherwise they won't grow any roots and will die off.
Morning Dux conspirators.

Looks like I need to start my sweet potatoes this week.
You definitely should! Those plants look really beautiful and grow really fast, once they've taken roots, up to 20cm per day! I guess at your latitude the will grow even faster b/c you have more hours of sunshine during summer. And remember: Your dux will love cooked sweet potatoes! 😜
Good morning everyone.
Morning all
Good Morning, Day, Afternoon, Evening or Night to everybody on this beautiful blue marble!

Sunny, dry and cold here in WV! - I need to finish the sweet potato bed today as there is rain in the forecast for tomorrow.
Good afternoon
The slips are the vines?!? Very helpful.
:frow Good afternoon folks, hope everyone has had a great day. Sorry I got sucked into work today.

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