It might be too hot for them where you live, you should plant them during your cold season, if you have something like that.
This is what I was going to say. Turnips like chilly weather. So maybe plant your late April after everything else in the garden is done. They like a light frost and sandy soil. I have hit or miss luck with them. Sometimes I plant slot and get a few. This year I have truckloads from one package of seed.
This is what I was going to say. Turnips like chilly weather. So maybe plant your late April after everything else in the garden is done. They like a light frost and sandy soil. I have hit or miss luck with them. Sometimes I plant slot and get a few. This year I have truckloads from one package of seed.
Still hot here in April which may be my problem. Late May to June is when it seems to be cold. Will try that

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