:frow Good afternoon Hillbililly, have a great day

I was wondering that as well. The babies are sticking together so that's a wonderful thing.
I have already trained my younglings to recognize the command »Aaaallle Enten gehe jetzt schlafen!«. This evening i placed a bowl with cat-kibbles inside of their house, closed the front-door, said the magic words and they all ran inside through the side door.
Hey Kiwi, good morning and now that I've been schooled that its KiwiFRUIT. Do you ever make ice cream with it. I've got a small crate I need to do something with. And thanks for the schooling, I was able to amaze dh with knowledge.
I have not made kiwifruit icecream. Apart from eating them peeled and sliced, we tend to eat them in raw fruit salads or on pavlovas: https://www.taniaskitchen.co.nz/classic-newzealand-kiwi-pavlova-recipe/
Note that this is a "Kiwi pav". Those Aussies say they invented the pavlova. The trans-Tasman rivalry over this kind of thing is intergenerational, as @Muscovy Wunda will no doubt confirm, possibly by supplying an alternative recipe for the glorious pav, carefully labelled "Australian". See also https://www.theedge.co.nz/home/spon...-tried-to-steal-from-new-zealand-and-cla.html
It's nearly midnight here, so good morning to those in the US, and good evening to @Muscovy Wunda.

Just keeping afloat is sometimes enough, @Miss Lydia, but it's nice to know that you're thinking of us, and we're certainly thinking of you!

So many ducks, @YodaBat! It is amazing to watch them all stream out of their duck house!

The duckies here are still freeloading, but we're having another cold spell, so I guess I cannot blame them. The garden is starting to look good. It's strange to have a dry spring for a change.

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