Hi Everyone,

My new lawn seed is germinating! I had to re-level it, because it kept flooding my path. I'm not an immaculate lawn person, but I am happy that the seed is growing.

I am working on my fall garden. Fall tomatoes, I never have any luck with those. Some melons and turnips.
Autumn crops here have to start drought-resistant and finish frost-resistant, so it can be tricky. Do you cover your tomatoes in micromesh? We have more pests in autumn, particularly the tomato potato psyllid which has recently established itself here, so covering helps.

We only get one tomato. Fast growing short lived summer ones.
Do you grow Sub-Arctic Plenty? It's a great little tomato. Cold-tolerant and crops early. It would easily double your tomato yield to two!
Hi Everyone,

My new lawn seed is germinating! I had to re-level it, because it kept flooding my path. I'm not an immaculate lawn person, but I am happy that the seed is growing.

Autumn crops here have to start drought-resistant and finish frost-resistant, so it can be tricky. Do you cover your tomatoes in micromesh? We have more pests in autumn, particularly the tomato potato psyllid which has recently established itself here, so covering helps.

Do you grow Sub-Arctic Plenty? It's a great little tomato. Cold-tolerant and crops early. It would easily double your tomato yield to two!

I have never heard of that variety.

I planted a couple plants too many this year. I think I had 27 plants. Mostly Roma’s with a couple grape, cherry, varieties. And of course Big boy and big girl. I don’t think my big boys will get ripe through. I am still covering them at night.
...of course Big boy and big girl. I don’t think my big boys will get ripe through.
Well now Ralphie, after reading this I believe you should invest in some tasty Southern recipes for Fried Green Tomatoes! :lau We Southerners can generally be described as excellent cooks, if I do say so myself.;)

Would you like the recipe for fried green tomatoes and sawmill gravy?:drool
Hi Everyone,

My new lawn seed is germinating! I had to re-level it, because it kept flooding my path. I'm not an immaculate lawn person, but I am happy that the seed is growing.

Autumn crops here have to start drought-resistant and finish frost-resistant, so it can be tricky. Do you cover your tomatoes in micromesh? We have more pests in autumn, particularly the tomato potato psyllid which has recently established itself here, so covering helps.

Do you grow Sub-Arctic Plenty? It's a great little tomato. Cold-tolerant and crops early. It would easily double your tomato yield to two!
I don't cover. My main pest is tomato horn worms and they need to be picked off by hand. Hungry furries are most worries on the melons and turnips.
I have never heard of that variety.

I planted a couple plants too many this year. I think I had 27 plants. Mostly Roma’s with a couple grape, cherry, varieties. And of course Big boy and big girl. I don’t think my big boys will get ripe through. I am still covering them at night.
You want to go by days from transplanting to harvest. Roma = 80 days. Sub-Arctic Plenty = 42-50 days, depending which website you read. I think this is a US supplier: https://www.rareseeds.com/store/vegetables/tomatoes/red/sub-arctic-plenty

ETA - There are a few here worth playing with: https://www.thespruce.com/early-season-tomatoes-tips-recommendations-2539816
You want to go by days from transplanting to harvest. Roma = 80 days. Sub-Arctic Plenty = 42-50 days, depending which website you read. I think this is a US supplier: https://www.rareseeds.com/store/vegetables/tomatoes/red/sub-arctic-plenty

ETA - There are a few here worth playing with: https://www.thespruce.com/early-season-tomatoes-tips-recommendations-2539816

Those are really small tomatoes.

The early part would be nice. We have anywhere from 85-115 day growing season depending on the year. Technically, this is still part of the growing season as we have only had localized freezing so far.

I think I harvested (or others did) about 200 gallons of tomatoes this year.

I also have 9 watermelon, the first was harvested today.

Cauliflower and broccoli were a bust this year. Pumpkins and squash were great.. potatoes failed
Those are really small tomatoes.

The early part would be nice. We have anywhere from 85-115 day growing season depending on the year. Technically, this is still part of the growing season as we have only had localized freezing so far.

I think I harvested (or others did) about 200 gallons of tomatoes this year.

I also have 9 watermelon, the first was harvested today.

Cauliflower and broccoli were a bust this year. Pumpkins and squash were great.. potatoes failed
You only need a few early plants to make quite a difference. Your favourites can join in later, but you will have been eating home grown tomatoes for a month before they get started if you grow Sub-Arctic Plenty.

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