See what happens when you retire! Good Morning and Happy Friday!
:frow Good morning Patti, have a great day
Good morning. I will try to take a picture of Sue today. She gave me the runaround yesterday as she decided not to be put up. All the other ducks were up but she was not deterred. Imagine yackeity sax playing as I chased her around the yard
:frow Good morning Lisa, have a great day. That image and song are now stuck in my head :gig
Sure is hot and muggy here...
Ralphie unless my memory is failing me, your weather is either screaming hot or freezing cold. I don't recall ever finding it in between. But then I was only there in the summer and winter. I did love to ice fish there... you could drive a 7000 pound blazer out on the ice, unload the snow mobiles, drill your holes (gas Auger), set your rods, setup your tent, light a fire and go play.
Ralphie unless my memory is failing me, your weather is either screaming hot or freezing cold. I don't recall ever finding it in between. But then I was only there in the summer and winter. I did love to ice fish there... you could drive a 7000 pound blazer out on the ice, unload the snow mobiles, drill your holes (gas Auger), set your rods, setup your tent, light a fire and go play.
You got it... and it can be both on the same day.

Here is one of the fish houses we are looking at..

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