I am going to start tapping trees this week.

I will start by doing a few close to the house so I don’t have to trudge through the snow. They normally don’t start running hard until the snow is gone. But the way this year is going, who knows.

I built a new stove yesterday, so I should be able to boil down more syrup faster.

I hope.
You're gunna do what to the trees??? Your northmen ways are fascinating
Love Maple Syrup!
It’s a lot of work but well worth it. I only have a few bottles left from last year.
You're gunna do what to the trees??? Your northmen ways are fascinating
I will drill a hole into the tree.., tap a small plastic nipple. In the tree.. attach a hose to the nipple..

and put the other end into a cover on a plastic Bucket...

Then I collect the sap from the tree..

When I get a few hundred gallons of sap I start evaporating it.

Finally I get maple syrup...
So... While building this breeding pin, I've been thinking a bunch about what's going in it. For this project, I just want to have some fun, and make some pretty crossbred bantams. I have 3 Mille Fleur d'Uccle (1 being frizzled) from the recent hatch, and am going to use them for the ladies.

I do have a d'Uccle cockerel, but I don't want to reproduce them pure. Mainly because the lady I got them from, Sandra already breeds them, and im not looking to be her competitor. I'd rather be her friend. Besides already giving me special treatment, she's the type of person who would send people my way.

So, for daddies... I'm doing designer mutts, so caring about stranded is out of the window. There's a few fellas that are catching my eye. Sandra has a little mixed cockerel that has a crest, beard and feathered feet. It's body shape is close to a d'Uccle actually, but it has a black copper color scheme going on. If my chicken calculator math checks out, the Black red neck birchen pattern should dominant (split to pied/mottled) and express in all the f1 crosses. What would be neat about that is I could potentially breed it back to d'Uccle standards in a black copper color later if I wanted to. For now though it's just a fun project.

Another boy in consideration is a Paint Silkie that @cra8ychix has (though im not sure if he's available). Normally I'm not that big of a paint/splash, but the boy she has, has heavy blue markings and it looks great on him. Again like the above cockerel, it shares a fair amount of features with the d'Uccles. Crest, beard, feathered feet, except the babies would be all blue in the f1 cross (again split to pied/mottled). That brings up some interesting color combinations in later generations.

I didn't get much sleep last night, and someone slipped some bat guano in my coffee again. I might have went a bit obsessive with the chicken calculator in the we hours of the morning.
Oh absolutely not @Tooshay89 !! 😂 if I have to deal with this junk weather we have here these ducklings do too! I'm not sending them for a Florida vacation!! 😂🥰

Hahaha! Poor ducklings. It reminds me of a meme I saw on facebook recently... let me see if I can find it.

Here we go!

Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 9.57.45 AM.png
@KDOGG331 you gotta go get those beauties!! Hey it’s a day trip!!
I wish! :lau :hit Hmmm.... maybe... :D 🤔
😍🥰 if anyone with a birthday recently wants some ducklings, I can package them with cute little bows and all! 😉😂
Hmmm.... well.... my birthday is coming up this month.... hatching anymore!? :lau :pop
I will change my birth certificate today. Happy birthday to me - again? lol
Oh absolutely not @Tooshay89 !! 😂 if I have to deal with this junk weather we have here these ducklings do too! I'm not sending them for a Florida vacation!! 😂🥰
It’s nice isn’t it to let them all be together. I got to sit out with mine tonight my birds got to have their pool for the first time in close to a week so they had the best time bathing. I had to keep topping off the water they were enjoying so much. How about the Pekins Chris?
I got to sit out all week end dollar store had large kiddy pools I bought 2 fir. pay day I am buying some more . geese were very happy and of course they started mating I all ready got 7 eggs so far 2 were double yokes Danny the dog got them.
Hi everyone, hope you all are well! Be sure to check out @ronott1's Easter HAL thread:
:jumpy🐥🐣🐤11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020🐤🐣🐥 :jumpy
Well that answers that question @KDOGG331 ....have to hatch more, in the spirit of the Easter hatch a long!!

@Miss Lydia we could both make a great day trip in Bristol!! Maybe @rjohns39 would just happen to be in the area too 😂
"Free ducklings!! Get your free ducklings here!!" Says the crazy lady with a box full of ducklings.
"Oh hon, look at those precious darlings, they're homeless!" Says Ms Lydia to unsuspecting Mr Lydia

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