@duluthralphie I spoke with Dr Wolf at FDAC about getting NPIP certified. In regards to needing it, it would only be for eggs that are intended to be hatched including chicks for distributors. They are not concerned about eating eggs. He also said they only test the breeders that's eggs/offspring will be distributed. Any pet or general edible layers won't be tested.

When everything gets finished here and I'm ready to start the breeding project I'm going to get them certified.

Do you maintain an AI certificate too?
@duluthralphie I spoke with Dr Wolf at FDAC about getting NPIP certified. In regards to needing it, it would only be for eggs that are intended to be hatched including chicks for distributors. They are not concerned about eating eggs. He also said they only test the breeders that's eggs/offspring will be distributed. Any pet or general edible layers won't be tested.

When everything gets finished here and I'm ready to start the breeding project I'm going to get them certified.

Do you maintain an AI certificate too?
Lovely Chris, Congrats.
Thanks Patti.
It's a jump forward for me, but a goal of mine is to eventually be a reputable breeder. I'm getting a shoe in, and wouldn't really consider it breeding with just a trio of someone else's work, but it's a starting spot. Next year I'll be the one making selections though and determining the forward quality of the flock.

I'm still going to do the sex link project and will get first hand breeding experience from that which is where I expect to actually learn the most. Reproducing something is easy but creating something is a whole new experience.
Mrs Black the NN is acting lame. :(
I started her on meds yesterday, and have kept her in a crate as a couple birds started picking on her. She's eating and drinking, but not moving much. She will stand but only for about 5 minutes before sitting to rest.
How's the bottom of her feet look and can you see any swelling in her feet or legs?
Her feet are normal. There's no swelling, and they're not warmer than normal. Her poop is normal too. I can't smell or hear anything from her mouth either.

She'll get up and move when picked in (yesterday) but only walked 10ish feet.

What tipped me off something was wrong was she didn't run from me. She never really lets me get close, and never lets me pick her up. It's been about 2 months since I've been able to touch her without being sneaky at night. Right now she let me just walk up and scoop her up.

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