The Peoples Choice Contest! - Ends 03/31/2023 - All Breeds - Rooster - Community Judged


Jan 3, 2023
JUDGING RULE! - The People Judge! - On 04/01/2023 I will check how many likes each photo has and whoever gets the most likes WINS!

Read through the thread and give a BIG THUMBS UP to the boys you think deserve it and scroll past the ones that you don't like. "LIKES" MATTER! THAT IS HOW WE JUDGE! Whatever Cockerel / Rooster has the most likes earned from the community will be declared the GRAND CHAMPION!

ENTRIES - Please post only 1 Cockerel or Rooster per person - Include Cockerel / Rooster's Name, Breed, Coloring if known. MIXES ARE WELCOME TOO!
Go out in the yard and snap a picture of your best boy and upload it to this thread. He may be the BEST! If your photo contains more than one Cockerel or Rooster please indicate which boy you are submitting for judgement! Remember - Only 1 per person.

As always, lets keep this fun and respectful. What you may love in a chicken someone else my hate and vise-versa. Everyone has their own tastes and lets continue to be kind to one another. This is going to be fun!

No prize this time. Just the satisfaction of knowing your boy kicked the crap out of the competition! Let's see em!

*If this does well we will start running competitions with prizes. (chicken related, possibly even hatching eggs!)*
The Earl Grey - Speckled Sussex - Rooster


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