The Olive-Egger thread!

Well, my F2 chicks (F1 x F1) are getting bigger now, and so far it looks like I'll have a lot of boys but also still a few girls, one is a very dark rumpless blue. The tufted ones, one appears a boy, the other I haven't checked enough lately but might be a girl.

I lost my beautifully perfect/big double tufted rumpless one though.

If you're looking for Olive Egger eggs, I have some available. They lay colors that range from the dark green on my avatar to this -

Not including the white!

Which, just an update, here's a photo of my F1 blue gal. Her breast is getting deeper in color as she matures, and the color is spreading well to hear neck and head.

I am interested! Since my Araucana Olive-eggers only lay dark brown pinky eggs.

Heading to Puyallup area anytime soon?
I will PM you.
3 more of my olive eggers hatched today! So dang cute. Splash ameraucana daddy and black copper marans mommy. Fluffy cute little balls of blue fluff!! I love them!

In the pic with 2 olive egger chicks that hatched a week ago.
Adorable chicks! Those should grow up to be some pretty chickens. I have some from Alicefelldown and they were from the same cross. I love them. They breed true to color (BBS), give you wonderfull olive eggs and you don't have an SOP to follow
. Its always great to see what they mature like and the eggs are just the icing on the cake.
3 more of my olive eggers hatched today! So dang cute. Splash ameraucana daddy and black copper marans mommy. Fluffy cute little balls of blue fluff!! I love them!

In the pic with 2 olive egger chicks that hatched a week ago.
Just starting my OE "project." I have a Cream Legbar rooster that I'm crossing with a wheaten Penedescenca hen and a BC Marans hen. The first two F1 chicks from this cross have hatched, both out of eggs from the Penedescenca. Cream Legbars are an autosexing breed and it looks from their down color that these F1s might be, too. Time will tell, but if so then these are a boy and a girl. I have more eggs that went under a surrogate broody last week. I plan to cross some off the daughters back to their sire to see what eggshell shades might emerge, and others I'll cross with a BC Marans roo to get some dark olive egg layers. -- Ig

I have an update on my first two F1 chicks (Cream Legbar x Wheaten Penedescenca) .. they're both boys, so apparently the autosexing quality did not carry over to the F1 chicks.

My second batch of F1 eggs hatched last week. I got seven chicks out of nine eggs (one infertile egg, the other egg was a quitter). Two of the chicks are Cream Legbar x BC Marans and the other five chicks are Cream Legbar x Wheaten Penedescenca. My BC Marans hen appears to be going broody and if so I'll be putting more F1 eggs under her to hatch.

If anyone is interested in some of these F1 dark olive-egger hatching eggs, I'd be willing to ship. For those unfamiliar with the breed, Cream Legbars are single-combed blue-egg layers that are extremely rare and very expensive here in the U.S. My rooster is from Greenfire Farms stock. I dare say no one else has this particular version of dark olive-eggers and probably won't for a while since everyone is using their Cream Legbar stock to produce more pricey Cream Legbars (Greenfire Farms sells day-old Cream Legbar chicks for $59/ females and $19/male!). I was lucky enough to buy a surplus rooster from a gal who is now breeding and selling Cream Legbar hatching eggs.
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I am new to this tread and can't go through reading all 399 pages so my question is I got some lovely olive eggs looked like they should have Pimento sticking out the end color was amazing I had never seen it before only one chicks hatched and I want to make more of my own I have a Purebred flock of Blk copper and a splash Marans and have purebred Wheaton Amer roo and Black Roo also a pure black Amer Pullet

So if I cross the Amers on the Marans does it matter which side of the cross is the father or mother would that matter?
Will all the pullets from a Amer/Marans cross lay Olive eggs or will some lay off colored eggs?
Is there any other details about this type of project I need to know?

Any suggestions and advice will be great Thanks in advance
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Well, it looks like I accidentally made some Olive Eggers. I was setting what I thought would be some EE x Buff Ameraucana eggs when lo and behold- they hatched out with feathered legs! The only culprit is my Wheaten Marans cock, who apparently paid a visit when my husband let all the chickens out in the yard at once. I thought it had been long enough since that incident to get "clean" eggs, but I was wrong! They are cute, though. They're about 2 weeks old now. Their chick down was rather interesting. They both had light-colored down, but one had faint chipmunk stripes and the other had a smoky grey ring of down around its neck. The striped one is growing out light feathers while the ring-neck one has dark feathers. I'll have to take some pictures this evening.
I am new to this tread and can't go through reading all 399 pages so my question is I got some lovely olive eggs looked like they should have Pimento sticking out the end color was amazing I had never seen it before only one chicks hatched and I want to make more of my own I have a Purebred flock of Blk copper and a splash Marans and have purebred Wheaton Amer roo and Black Roo also a pure black Amer Pullet

So if I cross the Amers on the Marans does it matter which side of the cross is the father or mother would that matter?
Will all the pullets from a Amer/Marans cross lay Olive eggs or will some lay off colored eggs?
Is there any other details about this type of project I need to know?

Any suggestions and advice will be great Thanks in advance

Make no difference on the cross either way works.
You may get some odd color eggs. They don't breed true really. You may get some blue eggs, you may get some brown eggs. Pick for the pea combs.
Breeding Olive Egger to Olive Egger might give you some good egg color.
I am new to this tread and can't go through reading all 399 pages so my question is I got some lovely olive eggs looked like they should have Pimento sticking out the end color was amazing I had never seen it before only one chicks hatched and I want to make more of my own I have a Purebred flock of Blk copper and a splash Marans and have purebred Wheaton Amer roo and Black Roo also a pure black Amer Pullet

So if I cross the Amers on the Marans does it matter which side of the cross is the father or mother would that matter?
Will all the pullets from a Amer/Marans cross lay Olive eggs or will some lay off colored eggs?
Is there any other details about this type of project I need to know?

Any suggestions and advice will be great Thanks in advance

Either way will produce OEs, as long as you are crossing pure breed birds. If you are breeding with a pure Ameraucana & pure Marans, then the parent birds will have two blue egg genes and white egg genes w\ dark brown egg modifiers, respectively. The offspring from this mating will get one blue egg gene from the Amer. parent and one white egg gene w\ dark brown egg modifiers from the Marans parent. This will produce an egg in a shade of olive green.

Breeding OE to OE is the crap-shoot. Because each OE would be carring one of each gene and the offspring could end up with two blue egg genes or two white egg w\ dark brown modifier genes.

Hope that isn't too confusing!

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