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Yes, and a land slide on hwy 1 that stranded, If I am remembering correctly, 2000 people.
Landslide takes out part of hwy 1 in the Big Sur area. No one should be surprised. It has been happening my entire 68 years and probably long before that. And of course it isn't only the road, many houses have ended up in the ocean over the decades.
We set one full incubator of 41 eggs with about 33 White Bresse eggs and 8 Dark Cornish eggs to finish it off. Have another one started with a catch all of eggs that can't be replaced because the hens have been sold. Nothing special but thought it would be a good idea to keep one or two hens like them around for the memories we have with them. We did get the film mulch over a raised bed 100' long for a row of canning tomatoes. An approaching storm sent us for cover after a dozen drops of rain and that was all the rain we got. The real storm is supposed to make it here coming in from the west about 11pm tonight.
I'm glad I got to ride up 101 in 1964 on a bus after finishing high school. Rode that bus right through the big redwood tree. Loved seeing the Pacific on one side and the redwoods on the other. Times are different now. I was 17 and I had my 11 year old brother with me. No adult was with us. We even sat at the outdoor bus station that closed on the inside in San Fransisco during the early morning hours waiting on our next bus to arrive.
Day before yesterday, Dh began replacing all the window screening in the frames. He finished up yesterday. The old ones were the original from when the house was built. The frames were fine, but the screen material was to a point that it was falling apart from weathering, and old age. We had the tool, so he ordered the screen, and spline. He did a really nice job, and they look good.

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