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It was a day. I told several people not to smile, which of course means they couldn't help smiling, said good morning in the afternoon, and generally made a nuisance of myself.

Oh man!! That does sound like quite a day!!! :hugs my day was decent. I went shopping twice lol
I got some much needed rest off an on during the day.
Awesome!!! Glad to hear it.
Remember that old song "All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth"?
All I want for Christmas are a pair of new hips and shoulders.
How about a hippopotamus? That was Betty White's favorite Christmas song.

I like to give one rooster in particular small treats and watch him put them on the ground in front of him and call the hens to come and eat. He is a real gentleman.
I hope Zeus gets to that. He has no example to copy. He is 6 months old, does a LITTLE stutter step by a hen then tries to jump her. Only 1 of them is even laying now and she should stop soon. He doesn't treat the girls at all.

Wet and chilly here.
20°F and spitting snow here
Resting. I have my chair lined with pillows so my ribs are supported the best way I can. I didn't do much today beyond put out feed and water. I did have a few conversations in chicken talk.
I love the polish bantams because they are beautiful and they talk a lot. So adorable!
I got the email from Denon, and have been too busy to deal with the receiver until today. Dd #1 has been using my email, and accidentally deleted the email from them. I called, and got it resent. It's now all filled out, and sent back. Hopefully, I'll hear soon, and get this thing fixed. THEN I'll sell it. I have the Sony, and like it so much better than the Denon that I won't go back.

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