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Ron, your mentioning of the Fitbit made me think of a news article I read about thousands of people lining up to receive the new Elon Musk brain implant recently approved by the FDA. It's some kind of Fitbit if I read right. The picture showed wires going down into the brain attached to the Fitbit itself which is replacing a small piece of your scull. No thanks.
Ron, your mentioning of the Fitbit made me think of a news article I read about thousands of people lining up to receive the new Elon Musk brain implant recently approved by the FDA. It's some kind of Fitbit if I read right. The picture showed wires going down into the brain attached to the Fitbit itself which is replacing a small piece of your scull. No thanks.
No for me either. I'm not going to be a Borg....
Ron, your mentioning of the Fitbit made me think of a news article I read about thousands of people lining up to receive the new Elon Musk brain implant recently approved by the FDA. It's some kind of Fitbit if I read right. The picture showed wires going down into the brain attached to the Fitbit itself which is replacing a small piece of your scull. No thanks.
I do not want implants!

I have one of the simple fitness trackers-- not quite a smart watch which is fine for me
Our local school district did! They let high schoolers sleep another hour in the morning and changed an elementary school to start earlier. Knowing how people are about their kids and their dogs, I imagine that was a contentious decision.
They did that 17 years ago where my DDs went to school right when DD2 started middle school. She got on the 8 AM bus every school day for 13 years. And to make it even easier for her, the bus stop happened to be right in front of our house. The neighborhood kids stood in our driveway while they waited. If it was raining they waited on our porch. DD2's life has been too easy, she has a serious case of entitlement.

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