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Seals bags have one here
That would be like my Food Saver…same basic principle. I’m just having trouble visualizing how you mean to use it. I used Press ‘n’ Seal because I could just peel off the layer when it got too yucky and pressed down a clean sheet.

@Alaskan …. Okay, I proudly present one dining room / hallway:

WOW! Young fella stopped by today asking about chickens and if I sell any. Took him around to individual pens to show him what I'm breeding so he could think about it. He's going to bring his dad back to help make a decision, then tell me which eggs he'd like me to hatch. Said he'd pay me for them, plus if I wanted any turkey eggs he'd give me some to hatch and I could sell those. he's got big beautiful toms.. It's 80+ miles from here to Dothan where there's an RK, and most folks around here don't trust our local TSC as they get stuff mislabeled consistently.
That looks very nice. Where's Fiona? I haven't heard you mention her lately, or seen pics.
Thanks! Fee’s here, and loving the space in the new place. She can actually get away from Rueben anytime she wants. Right now things are a little tough with them. We won’t have any grass or flowers for quite awhile year so the place is surrounded by fine sandy dirt. Do I need to tell you what my floors look and feel like all the time? And when we do get a skiff of snow that melts, in comes the mud. With those big feet of hers, she’s constantly getting small rocks stuck between the pads. I try to keep them cleaned out, but many times she gets them before I do and so in addition to sand and mud, we have rocks all over the floor. My kingdom for a lawn!

Fee licking her chops after a snack.


Rueben, Katie and Kendra.


Muddy as all get-out and wanting in.

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