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Amen to that, @sourland.

I feel decadent right now. I made an ice cream cone for DH and licked the spoon. MMMMMM.

The thing is and I hope @Alaskan will correct me if I'm wrong. Is that due to the demands of the intese cold on the human body, the caloric intake for people in the colder regions is astronomical. The Inuit natives eat something like 3000 calories a day and half of them are from fat.

I think I read somewhere a long time ago that yet with this diet they have a fairly low incidence of heart disease.

If I ate 1500 calories of fat you'd have to roll me around in a wheel barrow.
Fried Okra! Fried chicken! Fried fish! French fries....anything fried that won't crawl off my plate:drool

I love fried foods but haven't eaten any in a long long time. But Fried Okra is about the only way I like it. I used to buy fried okra in boxes and either fry it or bake it.

Got the word from the doctor today. October 27th I see the GI. Feeling better this afternoon. Not perfect but better. I'll settle with that for now.
Good to hear you're feeling better. Hugs

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