The Old Folks Home

Poor guy. I'm sorry to hear that @lovesfarms. Try to take the opportunity to catch up on your rest since he is under the care of others.

Evening everyone. I've been in allergy hades today. Made the mistake of going out and working in the garden without a mask on and suffered for it the rest of the day.

On the bright side, I pulled the rest of my squash and pulled the vines. Got all the butternuts and Turks turbans in my little garden wagon and pulled it into the shed feeling like a Shetland pony trying to pull a Conestoga wagon. The wagon was so full the sides were bulging. I asked DH how much he thought the load weighed and he tried to pick up wagon since it's lightweight and couldn't. Best guessiment was somewhere around 150 pounds. that wasn't counting the squash I already have in the shop and the ones still outside on the deck.

He looked at the pile and said 'guess we'd better start eating a squash a week at least'.

At least something in the garden did well.

Meanwhile my broody hen is still in the broody buster cage in the shop with another one set to go in when she comes out on Thursday morning.

I've kept my resolve about not hatching this far. I did manage to switch around roosters. The young males from last year are still beating the crap out of the older roosters so I put them in the main coop and pulled the extra smaller boys out of that coop and put them in the bachelor coop.

It was a big gamble but I know my SDW OEGB roosters. Those little shites are ruthless and won't take any bull off of those bigger boys. Sure enough saw one of the littles T bone a rooster four times his size when he got too close to one of the hens. Hopefully they will teach them some mannors.

In the meantime I'm making up my hatchery dream list for next spring. Bantam hens and Fayoumis.... I hope!
I'm gonna head into town tomorrow, habitat for humanity looking to see what they have in the way of cabinets, looking to build a new brooder
Another reason why I'm constantly taking photos and videos that probably bore the snot out of others
You know you have an audience here! :)
I've got long silver hair,
When I see someone like that in the store, I tell them, "When my hair grows up, it wants to look like your hair."
Good Morning Hello GIF by Loof and Timmy
11 minutes till noon so I can still say Morning OF. Been to town, bought feed for a mere $69 that will last 2 weeks. Got some groceries, came home and unloaded the flock raiser so I could feed the chooks (still had layer stuff left over), went back out and unloaded the groceries and put them away. Now sitting here with my tea, after having had some JF Skinner lemon pastry and yogurt. I'll mention this in passing so I don't make you old farts jealous. While driving to town I was feeling my oats and thanked the Creator becuase at nearly 70 I don't have one ache or pain, no indigestion, sniffle/snuffle or anything else. I really got off easy!
CSolis, hope you stay that way!! I'm 74. I know bragging always ends up with me having some problem. My eye allergy(just one eye) is back. Had I also it a month ago and it cured itself. This time drs. prescription isn't putting a dent in it. :rant
try making some echinacea tea and then use it for warm compresses. I use echinacea tea from the capsules for eye infections not only on myself, but have used it on numerous animals and birds.

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