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Penny I sympathize with you my son in Bellevue said it was over 100 F. He is in a HMO, and not allowed to have a window air conditioner - good grief. His condo however has three floors - WA. wants smaller footprints for building. So he and his fee-on-say stay in the garage or first floor to cool off. He has to be out "there" for his job. Houses cost too much for him to afford. I wish he could move back home near me. He could find nice housing for half as much money.
@ronott1 would my flock being Marek's positive have anything to do with it? You said virus and my brain went "RED ALERT RED ALERT!"
Mareks could be a cause. They have weaker immune systems.

There are a couple of lung viruses, like MG that cause egg problems.
@drumstick diva, I'm afraid if I was him I would be telling the powers that be what to do with their HMA rules and slamming a window AC in where they couldn't see it from the road. If they give him grief tell them that if they do he will turn them in for endangering human life and own the condo building an all when he gets done with them.

Sad that people have to live that way.
Mareks could be a cause. They have weaker immune systems.

There are a couple of lung viruses, like MG that cause egg problems.
Causes of watery egg whites in chickens:

  • Old poorly stored eggs.
  • Old hens.
  • Several disease can cause poor quality eggs.
  • High ammonia levels from poop in the coop.
  • Heavy metal poisonong.
  • Salt imbalances.
@drumstick diva, I'm afraid if I was him I would be telling the powers that be what to do with their HMA rules and slamming a window AC in where they couldn't see it from the road. If they give him grief tell them that if they do he will turn them in for endangering human life and own the condo building an all when he gets done with them.

Sad that people have to live that way.
I agree, the temps the NW is getting right now are dangerous. If window units are not allowed what are people supposed to do? Can they put in mini split heat pumps?
This may, or may not be helpful, but here goes. Drinking lots of water, watery poops, and runny eggs are all normal here, for this time of year, for a couple weeks. Due to the onset of the warmer temps, it does take them a little time to acclimate. In the meantime, they drink a lot of extra water to keep cool. This causes a bit of a chain reaction, regarding poop, and eggs both being more watery than usual. Normally, this straightens itself out, once they acclimate in 10 - 14 days.

Another thing that helps is to make sure they get a little bit of extra calcium during this time. With the extra water, and everything turning a bit more watery, they excrete, and/or dilute the calcium in their system more. Crush, and sprinkle a Tums over their feed, OR add a little liquid calcium to their water, just for the time that they're consuming higher amounts of water.

No, this won't help if there's a more serious condition going on, but as I said, down here, this is normal for this time of year, while they acclimate to the hot weather.
This may, or may not be helpful, but here goes. Drinking lots of water, watery poops, and runny eggs are all normal here, for this time of year, for a couple weeks. Due to the onset of the warmer temps, it does take them a little time to acclimate. In the meantime, they drink a lot of extra water to keep cool. This causes a bit of a chain reaction, regarding poop, and eggs both being more watery than usual. Normally, this straightens itself out, once they acclimate in 10 - 14 days.

Another thing that helps is to make sure they get a little bit of extra calcium during this time. With the extra water, and everything turning a bit more watery, they excrete, and/or dilute the calcium in their system more. Crush, and sprinkle a Tums over their feed, OR add a little liquid calcium to their water, just for the time that they're consuming higher amounts of water.

No, this won't help if there's a more serious condition going on, but as I said, down here, this is normal for this time of year, while they acclimate to the hot weather.
That is so very true!

Here it can come and go with heat waves. highs will go from the mid 80s to 110 in cycles. Tomorrow we end a 4 day cycle of 100 plus and then we go down to the low 90s until the next heat wave starts.

We have been much hotter in June than normal. It makes me worry about July and Augusts!

Still, Many old farms have heavy metals and other toxins in the soil.

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